Early Keyboard Bibliography

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Early Piano
- »Durch den bloßen Druck der Finger …« — 300 Jahre Hammerklavier Germanischen Nationalmuseums Nürnberg 2000
3 926982 64 0
Ahrens, Christian Hammerklaviere mit Wiener Mechanik Verlag Erwin Bochinsky 1999
3 923 639 34 1
Barigazzi, Giuseppe; van der Meer, John Henry; Di Castro, Daniela; & Latham, Michael Walter e Stein gli strumenti di Mozart • Mozart’s piano makers Walter and Stein Villa Medici Giulini 2006
Beghin, Tom Beethoven’s French Piano: A Tale of Ambition and Frustration University of Chicago Press 2022 978 0 226 818355 1
Beurmann, Andreas Das Buch vom Klavier Georg Olms Verlag 2007
978 3 487 08472 5
Blom, Eric The Romance of the Piano Foulis London 1928 -
Breitman, David Piano-Playing Revisited: What Modern Players Can Learn from Period Instruments Boydell & Brewer Ltd 2021 978 1 64825 010 1
Brinsmead, Edgar History of the Pianoforte Novello, Ewer & Co 1879 -
Burnett, Richard Company of Pianos Finchcocks Press 2004 1 903942 35 7
Clark, Julian H Some things you always wanted to know about the Fortepiano but never had time to ask Clark 1994 -
Clinkscale, Martha Novak Makers of the Piano 1700–1820 Oxford University Press 1995 0 19 81632 1
Clinkscale, Martha Novak Makers of the Piano Volume 2 1820–1860 Oxford University Press 1999 0 19 8166257
Closson, Ernest History of the Piano Paul Elek 1976 0 236 17685 4
Cobbe, Alec Chopin’s Swansong — the Paris and London pianos of his last performances now in the Cobbe Collection The Chopin Society and The Cobbe Collection Trust 2010 978 0 9538203 3 7
Cogan, Ritchie [prod] Early Keyboard Instruments at the Victoria & Albert Museum HSMO 1980 0 11 290333 9
Cole, Michael Broadwood Square Pianos Tatchley Books 2005 0 9551777 0 7
Cole, Michael The Pianoforte in the Classical Era Clarendon Press Oxford 2003 0 19 816634 6
Colt, C F
with Miall, Antony
The Early Piano Stainer & Bell 0 85249 572 2
Crombie, David Piano — Evolution, Design and Performance Barnes & Noble 2000 0 7607 2026 6
Dahlström, Fabian Finländsk Klavertillverkning före år 1900 samt beskrivning av Sibeliusmuseets inhemska klaversamlung Hangö Tryckeri Ab Hangö 1978
951 648 359 3
Dolge, Arthur Pianos and their Makers — A Comprehensive History of the Development of the Piano Dover 1972 0 486 22856 8
Dufetel, Nicolas et al Liszt e il suono de Érard — Arte e musica nell Romanticismo parigino • Liszt and the Érard Sound — Art and Music in Parisian Romanticism • Liszt et le son Érard — Art et musique dans le Romantisme parisien Villa Medici Giulini 2011
978 88 95325 07 1
Gadd, G S The British Art Piano and Piano Design — Volume 1 The handiness of an African elephant The Very Yellow Press 2006 978 0 9553264 0 0
Gétreau, Florence et al Chopin e il suono de Pleyel — Arte e musica nella Parigi romantica • Chopin and the Pleyel Sound — Art and Music in Romantic Paris • Chopin et le son Pleyel — Art et musique dans le Paris romantique Villa Medici Giulini 2010
978 88 95325 05 7
Gill, Dominic [ed] The Book of the Piano Phaidon 1981 0 7148 2036 9
Gleich, Clemens von Pianofortes uit de Lage Landen • Pianofortes from the Low Countries Frits Knuf 1980
Good, Edwin M Giraffes, Black Dragons, and Other Pianos — A Technological History from Cristofori to the Modern Concert Grand Stanford University Press 1982 0 8047 1120 8
Goold, Madeline Mr. Langshaw’s Square Piano — The Story of the First Pianos and How They Caused a Cultural Revolution BlueBridge 2009 978 1 933346 21 2
Hannon, Michael Mrs Findlay's Broadwood Square Piano Ranmoor Publications 2015 978 0 9931814 1 2
Harding, Rosamond E M The Piano-Forte — Its History traced to the Great Exhibition of 1851 Cambridge 1933 -
Hester, Richard Introduction to the Fortepiano in 20 Questions more or less Hester 1987 -
Hipkins, A J A Description and History of the Pianoforte and of the Older Keyboard Stringed Instruments Novello, Ewer & Co 1896 -
Hirt, Franz Josef Meisterwerke des Klavierbaus — Stringed Keyboard Instruments Urs Graf Verlag 1981
3 85951 135 1
Hollis, Helen Rice The Musical Instruments of Joseph Haydn — An Introduction Smithsonian Institution Press 1977 -
Hollis, Helen Rice The Piano — A Pictorial Account of Its Ancestry and Development Hippocrene Books 1975 0 88254 324 5
Hollis, Helen Rice Pianos in the Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution Press 1973 -
Hood, Margaret Fortepiano Maintenance Manual Margaret Hood Fortepianos 1998 -
James, Philip Early Keyboard Instruments from their beginnings to the year 1820 Frederick A Stokes NY 1930 -
Johnson Poletti, Janine Viennese Fortepiano Maintenance and Repair Guide Johnson Poletti 1988 -
Juramie, Ghislaine Histoire du Piano Collection Orion
Kildea, Paul Chopin’s Piano — A Journey Through Romanticism Penguin Books 2019 978 014 198056 0
Kjeldsberg, Peter Andreas Piano i Norge C Huitfeldt Forlag 1985
82 7003 060 0
Komlós, Katalin Fortepianos and their Music Clarendon Press Oxford 1995 0 19 816426 2
Koster, John Keyboard Musical Instruments in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts MFA 1994 0 87846 401 8
Lancaster, Geoffrey Richard The First Fleet Piano—A Musician’s View Volume One ANU Press 2015 978 1922 144 645
Lancaster, Geoffrey Richard The First Fleet Piano—A Musician’s View Volume Two Appendices ANU Press 2015 978 1925 022 483
Lancaster, Geoffrey Culliford, Rolfe and Barrow: A Tale of Ten Pianos UWA Publishing 2017 978 1 74258 937 4
Larson, Paul & Traupman-Carr, Carol [eds] The Square Piano in Rural Pennsylvania 1760–1830 Payne Gallery of Moravian College 2001 0 9621345 3 8
Leschiutta, Sigfrido Appunti per Una Bibliografia sul Clavicembale Clavicordo e Fortepiano G Zanibon Padova 1983
Lustig, Monika [ed] Zur Geschichte des Hammerklaviers [14.Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium in Michaelstein] Michaelstein 1996
3 89512 098 7
Mazzocca, Fernando; O’Brien, Grant; Di Stefano, Giovanni Paolo; Galli, Lavinia & Bazzi, Andreina Schanz lo strumento dei Principi — Arte e musica nella Milano dell’Ottocento al tempo di Cristina Archinto Trivulzio • Schanz the instrument of Princes — Art and music in the [sic] nineteenth century Milan at the time of Cristina Archinto Trivulzio Villa Medici Giulini 2008
978 88 95325 02 6
McCombie, Ian The Piano Handbook Reed 1980 0 589 50237 9
Michel, N E Historical Pianos — Harpsichords & Clavichords N E Michel 1970 -
Montal, Claude; Sturm, Fred [tr] The Art of Tuning — A Self-Guided Manual for Piano Tuning, Design, Action Regulation, and Repair from mid–19th-Century France Piano Technicians Guild Foundation 2015 978 0 9861851 0 6
Pierce, W Robert Pierce Piano Atlas Bob Pierce 1982 0 911138 02 1
Pollens, Stewart The Bonafinis Spinet: an early harpsichord converted into a Tangent Piano JAMIS 1987 -
Pollens, Stewart The Early Pianoforte Cambridge 1995 0 521 41729 5
Pollens, Stewart The Pianos of Bartolomeo Cristofori JAMIS 1984 -
Pollens, Stewart Bartolomeo Cristofori and the Invention of the Piano Cambridge University Press 2017 978 1 107 09657 8
Reblitz, Arthur A Piano Servicing Tuning & Rebuilding Vestal Press 1984 0 911572 12 0
Renouf, Nicholas Musical Instruments in the Viennese Tradition: 1750–1850 Yale University Collection of Musical Instruments 1981 -
Rimbault, E F The Pianoforte — Its origin, progress, and construction Robert Cocks and Co 1860 -
Roell, Craig H The Piano in America University of North Carolina Press 1993 0 8078 1802 X
Rose, Malcolm
& Law, David
A Handbook of Historical Stringing Practice for Keyboard Instruments Rose & Law 1991 0 9518590 0 5
Rosenblum, Sandra P Performance Practices in Classic Piano Music Indiana University Press 1988 0 253 20680 4
Russell, Raymond Victoria & Albert Museum Catalogue of Musical Instruments — Vol 1 Keyboard Instruments Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 1968 -
Sadie, Stanley [ed] The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments (3 vols) Macmillan Press Limited 1984 0 333 37878 4
de Silva, Preethi The Fortepiano Writings of Streicher, Dieudonné, and the Schiedmayers: Two Manuals and a Notebook, Translated from the Original German, with Commentary Mellon Press 2009 978 0 7734 4874 2
Smith, Eric Pianos — care and restoration Lutterworth Press 1980 0 7188 2463 6
Steinway, Henry Z [forward];
Libin, Laurence [introduction]
The New-York Book of Prices for Manufacturing Piano-fortes by the Society of Journeymen Piano-forte Makers New York 1835 American Musical Instrument Society, Inc 2009 0 913499 31 5
Steinway, Theordore E People and Pianos — A century of service to music Steinway & Sons New York 1953 -
Strange, Thomas; Hawkins, Patrick; & Hara, Kunio Facing South: Keyboard Instruments in the Early Carolinas Clemson University Press 2018 978 1 9429 5470 5
Andreas Streicher;
da Silva, Preethi [trans]
Brief Remarks on the Playing, Tuning, and Care of Fortepianos Made in Vienna by Nanette Streicher née Stein Early Music Facsimiles 1983 -
Sumner, William Leslie The Pianoforte St Martin’s Press New York 1971 -
Unger-Hamilton, Clive Keyboard Instruments Phaidon 1981 0 7148 2177 2
Wainwright, David Broadwood by Appointment Quiller Press London 1982 0 907621 10 4
Winternitz, Emanuel Keyboard Instruments in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Metropolitan Museum of Art 1961 -
Vandervellen, Pascale Pianos • Piano’s • Pianos Mardaga 2000
2 87009 734 4
Zilberquit, Dr Mark; Shirokov, Yuri S [trans] The Book of the Piano — An Illustrated History Paganiniana 1987 -

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