Early Keyboard Bibliography

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Clavichord Bibliography
Ahrens, Christian & Klein, Gregor [eds] Fundament aller Clavierten Instrumenten — Das Clavichord [Symposium im der 26. Tage alter Musik in Herne 2001] Musikverlag Katzbichler 2003
3 87397 582 3
Bavington, Peter Clavichord Tuning and Maintenance Keyword Press 2020 978 0 9555590 7 5
Boalch, Donald H Makers of the Harpsichord & Clavichord 1440–1840 Macmillan Press Limited 1956 -
Boalch, Donald H Makers of the Harpsichord & Clavichord 1440–1840 Clarendon Press Oxford 1974 0 19 816123 9
Boalch, Donald H Makers of the Harpsichord & Clavichord 1440–1840 Clarendon Press Oxford 1995 0 19 318429 X
Brauchli, Bernard The Clavichord Cambridge University Press 1998 0 521 63067 3
Brauchli, Bernard; Brauchli, Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio Insituto per i beni musicali in Piemonte 1994 -
Brauchli, Bernard; Brauchli, Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio II Musica Antica a Magano 1995 -
Brauchli, Bernard; Brauchli, Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio III Musica Antica a Magano 1997 88 900269 0 1
Brauchli, Bernard; Brauchli, Susan: Galazzo, Alberto[eds] De Clavicordio IV Musica Antica a Magano 2000 88 900269 1 X
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Moody, Ivan [eds] De Clavicordio V Musica Antica a Magano 2002 88 900269 2 8
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Moody, Ivan [eds] De Clavicordio VI Musica Antica a Magano 2004 88 900269 3 6
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio VII Musica Antica a Magano 2006 88 900269 4 4
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio VIII Musica Antica a Magano 2008 978 88 900269 5 9
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio IX Musica Antica a Magano 2009 978 88 900269 6 6
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio X Musica Antica a Magano 2012 978 88 907624 1 3
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio XI Musica Antica a Magano 2014 978 88 907624 2 0
Doderer, Gerhard

Clavicórdios portugueses do Século Dezoito • Portugiesische Klavichorde des 18. Jahrhunderts

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 1971
Doderer, Gerhard & van der Meer, John Henry Cordofones de Tecla Portugueses do Século XVIII: Clavicórdios, Cravos, Pianofortes e Espinetas • Portuguese String Keyboard Instruments of the 18th Century: Clavichords, Harpsichords, Fortepianos and Spinets Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 2005
972 666 077 7
Greenhalgh, John Build a Clavichord on your kitchen table: using mainly recycled materials Amazon 2021 979 8724295451
Helenius-Öberg, Eva Svenskt Klavikordbygge 1720–1820 Almquist & Wiksell 1986
91 22 00822 5
Henkel, Hubert Clavichorde VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik Leipzig 1981
Hoover, Cynthia Harpsichords and Clavichords Smithsonian Institution 1969 -
Kares, Martin Verzeichnis der Europäischen Musikinstrumente im Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg — Band 3 Klavichorde Florian Noetzel Verlag 1999
3 7959 0707 1
Neupert, Hanns The Clavichord Bärenreiter 1965 -
Ree Bernard, Nelly van Seven Steps in Clavichord Development between 1400 & 1800 — An annotated audio-visual review Frits Knuf 1987 90 6027 520 9
Russell, Raymond The Harpsichord and Clavichord Faber & Faber 1979 0 571 04795 5
Speerstra, Joel Bach and the Pedal Clavichord—An Organist’s Guide University of Rochester Press 2004 1 58046 135 2
Troeger, Richard Technique and Interpretation on the Harpsichord and Clavichord Indiana University Press 1987 0 253 20408 9
Tůma, Jaroslav The Clavichord — A nearly forgotten instrument ARTA 2021 978 80 907714 3 7
Vermeij, Koen Christian Gottlob Hubert, 1714–1793 and his Clavichords 1756–1789 — A short survey Koen Vermeij 1992 -
Vermeij, Koen The Hubert Clavichord Data Book — A Description of All Extant Clavichord by Christian Gottlob Hubert Clavichord International Press 2004 90 73029 10 4
Vermeij, Koen The Reconstruction of a Hubert Clavichord Koen Vermeij 1987 -
Vermeij, Koen Tuning & Maintenance of the Clavichord • Stemming & Onderhoud van het Clavichord Het Nederlands Clavichord Genootschap
90 73029 01 5

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