Early Keyboard Bibliography

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Harpsichord Composers
Anthony, James R French Baroque Music from Beaujoyeulx to Rameau B T Batsford 1978 0 7134 1076 0
Beaussant, Philippe
[Land, Alexandra (trans)]
François Couperin Amadeus Press 1990 0 93134 027 6
Boyd, Malcolm Domenico Scarlatti, Master of Music Weidenfeld & Nicholson 1986 0 297 78997 X
Clark, Jane & Connon, Derek ‘The mirror of human life’: Reflections on François Couperin’s Pièces de Clavecin King’s Music 2002 1 871775 10 8
Girdlestone, Cuthbert Jean-Philippe Rameau — His Life and Work Dover 1969 0 486 21416 8
Heinrich, Adel [compiler] Organ and Harpsichord Music By Women Composers — An Annotated Catalog Greenwood Press 1991 0 3132 68 029
Hofman, Shlomo L’Œuvre de Clavecin de François Couperin le Grand Éditions A & J Picard & Cie 1961
Kirkpatrick, Ralph Domenico Scarlatti Princeton University Press 1983 0 691 02708 0
Lang, Paul Henry George Frideric Handel Norton 1977 0 363 00815 0
Longo, A [ed] Scarlatti — Indice Tematico delle Sonate per clavicembalo Ricordi 1952
Mellers, Wilfrid François Couperin and the French Classical Tradition Dover 1968 0 486 21245 9
Morales, Luisa & Latcham, Michael [eds] Nuevas perspectivas sobre la música para tecla de Antonio Soler • New Perspectives on the Keyboard Works of Antonio Soler FIMTE 2016
978 84 617 4394 0
Morales, Luisa [ed] Domenico Scarlatti: Forwards and Backwards FIMTE 2024
978 84 09 57649 4
Pirro, André Les Clavecinistes Henri Laurens
Schweitzer, Albert
[Newman, Ernest (trans)]
J S Bach Dover 1966 (2 vols) 0 486 21631 4
0 486 21632 2
Spitta, Philipp
[Bell, Clara & Fuller-Maitland, JA (trans)]
Johann Sebastian Bach Dover 1951 (2 vols) 0 486 22278 0
0 486 22279 9
Tunley, David François Couperin and ‘The Perfection of Music’ Ashgate 2006 0 7546 0928 6
Williams, Peter JS Bach — A Life in Music Cambridge University Press 2007 978 0 521 87074 0

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