Early Keyboard Bibliography

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Performance Issues
Apel, Willi The History of Keyboard Music to 1700 Indiana University Press 1972 0 253 32795 4
Arnold, F T The Art of Accompaniment from a Thorough-bass as practised in the XVIIth & XVIII Centuries Dover 1965 (2 vols) 0 486 21442 7
0 486 21443 5
Bach, CPE
[Mitchell, William J (trans & ed)]
Essay on the True Art of Keyboard Instruments Eulenberg Books London 1974 0 903873 01 X
Beghin, Tom The Virtual Haydn: Paradox of a Twenty-First-Century Keyboardist University of Chicago Press 2015 978 0 226 15677 4
Booth, Colin Did Bach really mean that? Deceptive notation in Baroque keyboard music Mark Argent & Soundboard 2010 978 0 9547488 1 4
Breitman, David Piano-Playing Revisited: What Modern Players Can Learn from Period Instruments Boydell & Brewer Ltd 2021 978 1 64825 010 1
Brown, Howard Mayer Embellishing 16th-century Music Oxford 1984 0 19 323175 1
Brown, Howard Mayer Music in the Rennaissance Prentice-Hall 1976 0 13 608497 4
Bukofzer, Manfred F Music in the Baroque Era J M Dent & Sons Ltd 1977 -
Butt, John Playing with History — The Historical Approach to Musical Performance Cambridge University Press 2005 0 521 01358 5
Caldwell, John Editing Early Music Oxford 1985 0 19 816142 5
Caldwell, John English Keyboard Music Before the Nineteenth Century Dover 1985 0 486 24851 8
Peres Da Costa, Neal Off the Record — Performing Practices in Romantic Piano Playing Oxford University Press NY 2012 978 0195386912
Dart, Thurston The Interpretation of Music Hutchinson of London 1978 0 09 031684 3
Dolmetsch, Arnold The Interpretation of the Music of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries University of Washington Press 1977 0 295 78578 0
Donahue, Thomas [ed] Essays in Honor of Christopher Hogwood: The Maestro’s Direction Scarecrow Press 2011 978 0 8108 7737 5
Donnington, Robert The Interpretation of Early Music Faber & Faber 1979 0 571 04789 0
Donnington, Robert Baroque Music: Style and Performance Norton 1982 0 393 30052 8
Drake, Kenneth The Sonatas of Beethoven As He Played and Taught Them Indiana University Press 1981 0253 20262 0
Emery, Walter Bach’s Ornaments Novello 1975 -
Ferguson, Howard Keyboard Interpretation from the 14th to the 19th century Oxford University Press 1979 0 19 318419 2
Friskin, James & Freundlich, Irwin Music for the Piano Dover 1973 0 486 22918 1
Gillespie, John Five Centuries of Keyboard Music Dover 1972 0 486 22855 X
Glyn, Margaret H About Elizabethan Virginal Music and its Composers William Reeves, London -
Harich-Schneider, Eta Die Kunst des Cembalo-spiels Bärenreiter 1958
Harich-Schneider, Eta The Harpsichord — an introduction to the technique style and the historical sources Bärenreiter 1973 3 7618 0066 5
Harnoncourt, Nikolaus
[O’Neill Mary (trans)]
The Musical Dialogue — Thoughts on Monteverdi, Bach and Mozart Christopher Helm 1989 0 7470 1415 9
Harnoncourt, Nikolaus
[O’Neill, Mary (trans)]
Baroque Music Today: Music as Speech Christopher Helm 1988 0 7470 1411 6
Haynes, Bruce The End of Early Music — A period performer’s history of music for the twenty-first century Oxford University Press NY 2007 978 0 19 518987 2
Kosovske, Yonit Lea Historical Harpsichord Technique — Developing La douceur du toucher Indiana University Press 2011 978 0 253 35647 5
Saint Lambert
[Harris-Warrick, Rebecca (trans & ed)]
Principles of the Harpsichord by Monsieur de Saint Lambert Cambridge 1984 0 521 27269 6
Keller, Hermann
[Gerdine, Leigh (trans)]
Phrasing and Articulation — A Contribution to the Rhetoric of Music Norton 1973 0 393 00681 6
Keller, Hermann
[Parrish, Carl (trans & ed)]
Thoroughbass Method Norton 1965 0 393 09744 7
Kelly, Thomas Forrest Early Music — A Very Short Introduction Oxford University Press 2011 978 0 19 973076 6
Kenyon, Max Harpsichord Music — A Survey of the Virginals, Spinet and Harpsichord Cassell & Company Ltd 1949 -
Kenyon, Nicholas [ed] Authenticity and Early Music Oxford 1989 0 19 816153 0
Komlós, Katalin Fortepianos and their Music Clarendon Press Oxford 1995 0 19 816426 2
Kroll, Mark Playing the Harpsichord Expressively — a Practical and Historical Guide Scarecrow Press, Inc 2004 0 8108 5032 X
Ledbetter, David [commentary] Continuo Playing According to Handel — His figured bass exercises Oxford University Press 1990 978 0 19 318433 6
Ledbeter, David Harpsichord and Lute Music in 17th-century France MacMillan 1987 0 333 42755 6
Leppard, Raymond Authenticity in Music Faber Music 1988 0 571 10088 0
Mattax, Charlotte [trans] Accompaniment on the Theorbo & Harpsichord — Denis Delair’s Treatise of 1690 Indiana University Press 1991 0 253 28592 5
Matthews, Denis Beethoven Piano Sonatas BBC 1979 0 563 07304 7
Morley, Thomas
[Harman, Alec (ed)]
A Plain & Easy Introduction to Music Norton 1973 0 393 00682 4
Mozart, Leopold
[Knocker, Editha (trans)]
A Treatise on the Fundamental Principles of Violin Playing Oxford 1985 0 19 318 513 X
Naylor, E W An Elizabethan Virginal Book—Being a critical essay on the contents of a manuscript in the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge J M Dent & Co 1905 -
Nurmi, Ruth A Plain and Easy Introduction to the Harpsichord University of New Mexico Press 1974 0 8263 0324 2
Powell, John S [trans & ed] A New Treatise on Accompaniment with the Harpsichord, the Organ, and with other instruments by Monsieur de Saint Lambert Indiana University Press 1991 0 253 34561 8
Quantz, Johann Joachim
[Reilly, Edward R (trans)]
On Playing the Flute Schirmer 1966 -
Ree Bernard, Nelly van Interpretation of 16th Century Iberian Music on the Clavichord Frits Knuf 1989 90 6027 608 6
Rosen, Charles The Classical Style — Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven Faber 1976 0 571 04905 2
Rosenblum, Sandra P Performance Practices in Classic Piano Music Indiana University Press 1988 0 253 20680 4
Rowland, David Early Keyboard Instruments — A Practical Guide Cambridge University Press 2001 0 521 64366 X
Schott, Howard Playing the Harpsichord Faber & Faber 1979 0 571 11375 3
Terry, Charles Sanford The Music of Bach — An Introduction Dover 1963 0 486 21075 8
Troeger, Richard Technique and Interpretation on the Harpsichord and Clavichord Indiana University Press 1987 0 253 20408 9
Valenti, Fernando The Harpsichord: A Dialogue for Beginners Jerona Music Corporation 1982 -
Villanis, Luigi Alberto L’Arte del Clavicembalo Fratelli Bocca 1901
Williams, Peter Figured Bass Accompaniment Edinburgh University Press 1982 (2 vols) 0 85224 452 5
0 85224 452 5
Di, Zhu & Lindorff, Joyce Zankel Baroque Keyboard Performance Practice • 巴洛克键盘音乐演奏传统 Culture and Art Publishing House
978 7 5039 6901 0

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