Early Keyboard Bibliography

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Original Instruments & Makers
- Das Berliner »Bach-Cembalo« — Ein Mythos und seine Folgen Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung 1995
3 922378 13 7
- Colloqium — Restauratieproblemen van Antwerpse klavecimbels Ruckers Genootschap/Frits Knuf 1971 -
- John Joseph Merlin — The Ingenious Mechanick Greater London Council 1985 7168 1582 6
- Musik Instrumente aus dem Hessischen Landesmuseum in Darmstadt 16–19 Jahrhundert Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt 1980
- Oude klavecimbels, hun bouw en restauratie • Old harpsichords, their construction and restoration Haags gemeentemuseum 1977
Albarda, Jan Wood, Wire And Quill — An Introduction To The Harpsichord The Coach House Press 1968 -
Beurmann, Andreas Harpsichords and More Georg Olms Verlag 2012 978 3 487 14469 6
Beurmann, Andreas Historische Tasteninstrumente Prestel Verlag München 2000
3 7913 2309 1
Boalch, Donald H Makers of the Harpsichord & Clavichord 1440–1840 Macmillan Press Limited 1956 -
Boalch, Donald H Makers of the Harpsichord & Clavichord 1440–1840 Clarendon Press Oxford 1974 0 19 816123 9
Boalch, Donald H Makers of the Harpsichord & Clavichord 1440–1840 Clarendon Press Oxford 1995 0 19 318429 X
Brauchli, Bernard The Clavichord Cambridge University Press 1998 0 521 63067 3
Brauchli, Bernard; Brauchli, Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio Insituto per i beni musicali in Piemonte 1994 -
Brauchli, Bernard; Brauchli, Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio II Musica Antica a Magano 1995 -
Brauchli, Bernard; Brauchli, Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio III Musica Antica a Magano 1997 88 900269 0 1
Brauchli, Bernard; Brauchli, Susan: Galazzo, Alberto[eds] De Clavicordio IV Musica Antica a Magano 2000 88 900269 1 X
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Moody, Ivan [eds] De Clavicordio V Musica Antica a Magano 2002 88 900269 2 8
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Moody, Ivan [eds] De Clavicordio VI Musica Antica a Magano 2004 88 900269 3 6
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio VII Musica Antica a Magano 2006 88 900269 4 4
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio VIII Musica Antica a Magano 2008 978 88 900269 5 9
Brinsmead, Edgar History of the Pianoforte Novello, Ewer & Co 1879 -
Clemencic, Réné Old Musical Instruments Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1968 297 766406 3
Clinkscale, Martha Novak Makers of the Piano 1700-1820 Oxford University Press 1995 0 19 81632 1
Closson, Ernest History of the Piano Paul Elek 1976 0 236 17685 4
Cobbe, Alec & Nobbs, Christopher Three Hundred Years of Composers' Instruments Boydell Press 2014 978 18 438395 7 6
Dale, William Tschudi: The Harpsichord Maker Constable 1913 -
De Paepe, Timothy Antwerp, City of Harpsichords Museum Vleeshuis, Antwerpen 2018 978 9 0858676 5 4
Dirksen, Pieter [ed] The Harpsichord and its repertoire — Proceedings of the International Harpsichord Symposium Utrecht 1990 STIMU Foundation for the Historical Performance Practice, Utrecht 1992 90 72786 03 3
Dufourcq, Norbert Le Clavecin Presses Universitaires de Paris 1967
Gutmann, Veronika Das Virginal des Andreas Ryff (1572) Baumann & Cie, Banquiers
Haake, Walter Am Klavier — Werke Europäischer Maler aus sechs Jahrhunderten Karl Robert Langewiesche Nachfolger Hans Köster Königstein im Taunus 1968
Harding, Rosamond E M The Piano-Forte — Its History traced to the Great Exhibition of 1851 Cambridge 1933 -
Helenius-Öberg, Eva Svenskt Klavikordbygge 1720–1820 Almquist & Wiksell 1986
91 22 00822 5
Hellwig, Friedemann Atlas der Profile an Tasteninstrumenten vom 16. bis zum frühen 19. Jahrhundert Verlag E Bochinsky 1985
3 923639 65 1
Henkel, Hubert Kielinstrumente VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik Leipzig 1979
3 920 112 75 X
Hipkins, A J A Description and History of the Pianoforte and of the Older Keyboard Stringed Instruments Novello, Ewer & Co 1896 -
Hipkins, A J Musical Instruments Historic, Rare and Unique A and C Black 1945 -
Hirt, Franz Josef Meisterwerke des Klavierbaus — Stringed Keyboard Instruments Urs Graf Verlag 1981
3 85951 135 1
Hirt, Franz Josef Stringed Keyboard Instruments 1440–1880 Boston Book & Art Shop 1968 -
Hubbard, Frank Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making Harvard University Press 1978 0 674 88845 6
Huber, Alfons [ed] Das Österreichische Cembalo — 600 Jahre Cembalobau in Österreich Hans Schneider
3 7952 1039 9
Hummel, Jörg-Dieter Friedrich Ring—Der vergessene Instrumentenbauer aus dem Elsaß und sein Clavicymbal von 1700 Verlag J P Himmer 1976
James, Philip Early Keyboard Instruments from their beginnings to the year 1820 Frederick A Stokes NY 1930 -
Kjeldsberg, Peter Andreas Piano i Norge C Huitfeldt Forlag 1985
82 7003 060 0
Kottick, Edward L A History of the Harpsichord Indiana University Press 2003 0 253 34166 3
Kottick, Edward L & Lucktenburg, G Early Keyboard Instruments in European Museums Indiana 1995 0 253 33239 7
Laborde, Jean-Baptiste de [Grannis, E Ann trans] The Electric Harpsichord with a New Theory of the Mechanism and Phenomena of Electricity Americole 1979 -
Lambrechts-Douillez, Dr J Antwerpse Klavicimbels — Oude Muziek Herleeft Actuele Onderwerpen 1970
Lambrechts-Douillez, Jeannine Hans Ruckers (1598): Sichter van een klavecimbelatelier van wereldformaat in Antwerpen • Founder of a harpsichord workshop of universal importance in Antwerp Alamire 1998
90 6853 136 0
MacSweeney, Pauline Harpsichord Making in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century Royal Irish Academy 1983 -
Martin, Darryl; Nex, Jenny; Whitehead, Lance; O’Brien, Grant Aspects of Harpsichord Making in the British Isles Pendragon Press 2009 978 1 57647 153 5
Mercier, Philippe [ed] La facture de clavecin du XVe au XVIIIe siècle Institut Supérieur d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de l’Art, Louvain-la-Neuve 1980
Mercier-Ythier, Claude Les Clavecins éditions Vecteurs 1990
2 87788 006 0
Montagu, Jeremy The World of Baroque & Classical Musical Instruments Jacaranda Press 1979 0 7016 1269 X
Montagu, Jeremy The World of Medieval & Renaissance Musical Instruments Ure Smith 1976 0 7254 0314 4
Montagu, Jeremy The World of Romantic & Modern Musical Instruments Jacaranda Press 1981 0 7016 1456 0
Morales, Luisa [ed] Cinco Siglos de Música de Tecla Española • Five Centuries of Spanish Keyboard Music Asociación Cultural LEAL
978 84 611 8235
Moreno, Salvador La Imagen de la Musica en México Artes de México 1972
Mould, Charles; Mole, Peter & Strange, Thomas Jacob Kirkman, Harpsichord Maker to Her Majesty Lulu 2016 -
Neupert, Hanns The Clavichord Bärenreiter 1965 -
Neupert, Hanns Vom Musikstab zum modernen Klavier Das Musikinstrument, Frankfurt 1960
O’Brien, Grant Ruckers — A harpsichord and virginal building tradition Cambridge University Press 1990 0 521 36565 1
Pollens, Stewart A History of Stringed Keyboard Instruments Cambridge University Press 2022 978 1 108 42199 7
Pollerus, Heidelinde Tasteninstrumente als kunsthistorische Objekte — Cembalo, Clavichord, Spinett, Virginal „Meine Seele hört im Sehen“ Leykam Verlag 2018
978 3 7011 0408 6
Pols, Andre M De Ruckers en de Klavierbouw in Vlaanderen Nederlandsche Boekhandel 1942
Praetorius, Michael
[Crookes, David Z (trans & ed)]
Syntagma Musicum II Clarendon Press 1991 0 19 816260 X
Rieche, Christiane [ed] Kielinstrumente aus der Werkstatt Ruckers Händel-Haus Halle 1998
3 910019 12 9
Rindlisbacher, Otto Das Klavier in der Schweiz: Klavichord • Spinett • Cembalo • Pianoforte — Geschichte des Schweizerischen Klavierbaus 1700–1900 Francke Verlag 1972
Ripin, Edwin M The Instrument Catalogs of Leopoldo Franciolini Joseph Boonin, Inc 1974 0 913574 09 0
Ripin, Edwin M [ed] Keyboard Instruments — Studies in Keyboard Organology, 1500–1800 Dover 1977 0 486 23363 4
Ripin, Edwin M; Wraight, Denzil; O’Brien, G Grant; Ferguson, Howard; Caldwell, John; Schott, Howard; Dowd, William The New Grove Early Keyboard Instruments W W Norton & Company 1989 0 393 30515 5
Russell, Raymond The Harpsichord and Clavichord Faber & Faber 1979 0 571 04795 5
Ruth-Sommer, Hermann Alte Musikinstrumente — Ein Leitfaden für Sammler Richard Carl Schmidt & Co 1916
Sachs, Curt Das Klavier Verlag Julius Bard Berlin 1923
Samoyault-Verlet, Colombe Les facteurs de clavecins Parisiens — Notices biographiques et documents (1550–1793) Société FranÐaise de Musicologie 1966
Schott, Howard [ed] The Historical Harpsichord vol.I Pedragon Press 1984 0 918728 29 0
Schott, Howard [ed] The Historical Harpsichord vol.II Pedragon Press 1987 0 918728 54 1
Schott, Howard [ed] The Historical Harpsichord vol.III Pedragon Press 1992 0 945193 26 2
Schott, Howard [ed] The Historical Harpsichord vol.IV Pedragon Press 2002 0 945193 75 0
Steiner, Thomas [ed] Instruments à claviers — expressivité et flexibilité sonore • Keyboard Instruments — Flexibility of Sound and Expression Peter Lang AG 2004
978 3 03910 244 0
Toffolo, Stefano Antichi Strumeni Veneziani 1500–1800: Quattro Secoli di Liuteria e Cembalaria Arsenale Editrice 1987
88 7743 007 9
Tournay, Jean Archives Dulcken vol I Musée Instrumental Bruxelles 3 7952 0546 8
van Dijck, Lucas &
Koopman, Ton
The Harpsichord in Dutch Art before 1800 De Walburg Pers 1987
90 6011 546 5
Vandervellen, Pascale Clavecins, épinettes et Virginals • Klavecimbels, Spinetten en Virginalen • Harpsichords, Spinets and Virginals Mardaga 2000
2 87009 733 6
Vanderwellen, P [ed] The Golden Age of Flemish Harpsichord Making — a Study of the MIM’s Ruckers Instruments Musical Instruments Museum Brussels 2017 978 9 0901 0838 4
Wraight, Denzil Vincentius and the earliest harpsichords Early Music reprint 1986 -

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