Work in Progress

Copyright © 2011 CBH

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Oman French Double carved donkey foot cabriole leg 19K jpeg

The French Double Harpsichord after Blanchet

2 x 8⁠´, 1 x 4⁠´, buff to back 8⁠´
Stop registers worked by levers through nameboard
Two 61-note reverse keyboards FF–f''' A392/A415/A440
Tapered wooden jacks with natural celcon plectra, leathered registers
Strung in Malcolm Rose wire
Soundboard painting after Goermans/Taskin by Diana Ford
Handpainted case
Cast brass hinges and stop levers
Oil gilt mouldings and bands
Seven leg Louis-XV stand with carved acanthus and donkey feet
Matching stool with buttoned gold velvet seat


Commission for Qasr Al Alam Royal Palace, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


Oman Blanchet soundboard 49K jpeg

Blanchet soundboard detail 55K jpeg
Soundboard detail with the extinct Norfolk Island Kākā (Nestor productus)




Oman Blanchet soundboard detail postcard 7K jpeg
Download postcard.


Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Oil gilding the Louis XV cabriole stand legs
Carey Beebe oil gilding a Louis XV cabriole leg for the table stand.
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Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Oil gilding the case bands
Carey Beebe demonstrating oil gilding of the harpsichord case bands.
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Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Ghosting the 4⁠´ quills
Carey Beebe ghosting the 4⁠´ quills.
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Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Chipping to pitch
Carey Beebe chipping the newly-strung harpsichord to pitch.
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Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Inserting the hitchpins
Carey Beebe inserting the 8⁠´ hitchpins in the tail hitchpinrail.
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Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Nailing the harpsichord keyend cloth
Carey Beebe demonstrating how to nail and trim the keyend cloth for the upper keyboard.
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Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Backpinning the 8⁠´ bridge
Carey Beebe backpinning the 8⁠´ bridge.
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Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Inserting the bridgepins
Carey Beebe demonstrating how to insert the bridgepins.
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Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif Drilling for the bridgepins
Carey Beebe demonstrating how to drill the holes for the bridgepins.
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Movie thumb 2K jpeg Movie 1K gif Painting the harpsichord case — Time-lapse
Time-lapse of Carey Beebe applying the first coat of color to a French Double Harpsichord.
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Oman Blanchet case with first coat of paint 42K jpeg Oman French Double Louis XV legs with first coat of paint 46K jpeg
Case with the first coat of color The seven Louis XV-style legs with their first coat

Oman French Double 8⁠´ tail hitchpins 46K jpeg Oman French Double Harpsichord strung 73K jpeg
Hitchpins inserted and instrument ready for stringing The instrument fully strung and pinned

Oman French Double keyboards 58K jpeg Oman French Double jack installation 49K jpeg
Completed keyboards ready for installation Jacks being fitted

Oman French Double gilded case bands 42K jpeg Oman French Double gilded cabriole legs 57K jpeg
Case after gold banding Gilded Louis XV cabriole legs

Oman French Double harpsichord Louis XV stand 41K jpeg Oman French Double harpsichord on stand 46K jpeg
Completed seven leg Louis XV stand Harpsichord on stand for the first time

Oman French Double harpsichord Louis XV stool 46K jpeg Oman French Double harpsichord complete 55K jpeg
Matching stool ready for upholstered top Lid attached

Oman French Double harpsichord Louis XV stool completed 45K jpeg Oman French Double harpsichord continuo music desk 52K jpeg
Completed stool with gold velvet buttoned seat Completed continuo music desk

Oman French Double harpsichord complete 36K jpeg
Harpsichord complete (lid painting prepared for)

Oman French Double harpsichord packed for airfreight 38K jpeg
Packed for airfreight to Muscat

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