Oman French Double Harpsichord 85K jpeg

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The French Double Harpsichord after Blanchet

2 x 8⁠´, 1 x 4⁠´, buff to back 8⁠´
Stop registers worked by levers through nameboard
Two 61-note reverse keyboards FF–f''' A392/A415/A440
Tapered wooden jacks with natural Celcon plectra, leathered registers
Strung in Malcolm Rose wire
Soundboard painting after Goermans/Taskin by Diana Ford
Handpainted case
Lid painting prepared for
Cast brass hinges and stop levers
Oil gilt mouldings and bands
Seven leg Louis-XV stand with carved acanthus and donkey feet
Matching stool with buttoned gold velvet seat


Qasr Al Alam Royal Palace, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

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