The Paris Workshop Instrument Gallery

Copyright © 2013 CBH & TPW

TPW logo 3K gif


Early Keyboard Instruments for professional and amateur builders

Instruments à clavier de facture historique pour facteurs professionnels et amateurs

Hemsch French Double Harpsichord
with optional Louis XVI-style stand

Clavecin français à deux claviers
option : piétement de style Louis XVI

Zweimanualiges französisches Cembalo
mit der Option: Louis XVI-Gestell

Clavicembalo francese a due tastiere
a richiesta: cavaletto in stile Louis XVI

Clave francés de dos teclados
en opción: ie de estilo Luis XVI tambien



Hemsch 프랑스 2단 하프시코드
옵션:루이 16세 스타일 스탠드

Designed by Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset
after instruments by Hemsch

TPW French Double Harpsichord 21K jpeg

TPW Ruckers Double 24K jpeg

Ruckers Double Harpsichord

Clavecin flamand à deux claviers

Zweimanualiges flämisches Cembalo

Clavicembalo fiammingo a due tastiere

Clave flamenco de dos teclados



Ruckers 2단 하프시코드

Designed by Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset
after instruments by Ruckers

Ruckers Single Harpsichord
with optional bone keyboard & traditional registers

Clavecin flamand à un claviers
option : clavier à la flamande & registres traditionnels à la flamande

Einmanualiges flämisches Cembalo
mit der Option: Flämische Klaviatur & Flämische Register

Clavicembalo fiammingo a uno tastiere
a richiesta: Tastiera alla fiamminga & registro tradizionale alla fiamminga

Clave flamenco de un teclado
en opción: el teclado tradicional, enchapado en hueso



Ruckers 1단 하프시코드
옵션:소뼈 건반 & 정통 레지스터

Designed by Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset
after instruments by Ruckers

TPW Ruckers Single 23K jpeg

TPW Neapolitan Harpsichord 21K jpeg

Neapolitan Harpsichord

Clavecin italien

Italienisches Cembalo

Clavicembalo italiano

Clave italiano, Neapolitan



나폴리 스타일 하프시코드

Designed by Marc Ducornet,
Emmanuel Danset & Ferdinando Granziera
inspired by instruments of Bocalari

French 17th-century Harpsichord Le Junior

Clavecin français Junior

Französisches Cembalo Junior

Clavicembalo francese Junior

Clave francés de un teclado Junior

十七世紀法國式羽管鍵琴「Le Junior


17세기 프랑스 스타일 하프시코드「Le Junior

Designed by Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset
after instruments from the Denis/Vaudry school
(French 17th-century)

TPW French Single 17K jpeg

TPW Italian Virginal 11K jpeg

Italian Virginal

Virginal italien

Italienisches Virginal

Virginale italiano

Virginal italiano


イタリアン ヴァージナル

이탈리아 버지널

Designed by Emmanuel Danset
after an unusual early 18th-century original

Spinet (Delin school)

Epinette (Ecole Delin)

Spinett (Schule Delin)

Spinetta (Scuola Delin)

Espineta de la escuela Delin



스피넷 (Delin 스타일)

Designed by Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset
after a spinet by Albertus Delin 1770

TPW Delin Spinet 21K jpeg


TPW Gerlach Clavichord 24K jpeg

Gerlach Unfretted Clavichord

Clavicorde non lié

Ungebundenes Clavichord

Clavicordo libero

Gran clavicordio no ligado


アンフレット クラヴィコード(ゲラッハ)

Gerlach 프렛없는 클라비코드

Designed by Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset
after an instrument by Gerlach

Hubert Fretted Clavichord

Clavicorde lié

Gebundenes Clavichord

Clavicordo legato

Clavicordio ligado


フレット クラヴィコード

Hubert 프렛있는 클라비코드

Design by D. Jacques Way & Marc Ducornet
based on Hubert’s instruments

TPW Fretted Clavichord 17K jpeg

CBH Icon 1K gif Build your own harpsichord
CBH Icon 1K gif The Paris Workshop
CBH Icon 1K gif Site overview
CBH Icon 1K gif Harpsichords Australia Home Page