TPW Unfretted Clavichord after Gerlach

Instrument conceived & designed by Marc Ducornet & Emmanuel Danset
Copyright © 2024 CBH & TPW
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Early Keyboard Instruments for professional and amateur builders

Instruments à clavier de facture historique pour facteurs professionnels et amateurs

It was frequently observed in the past that a good clavichordist would make a good harpsichordist, but not necessarily the reverse. The mechanism and historical background of this fascinating instrument are described fully on our general Clavichord page.

The imposing Unfretted Clavichord, with its individual pairs of strings for each note, is suitable for much 18th-century music, even including the early piano repertoire up to Beethoven.

Our photo shows the current model in cherry supported by its four, elegant turned legs.

Gerlach Clavichord 58K jpeg

Range 61 notes: FF–f''', A415, double strung
Wood Case in cherry
Swiss pine soundboard
Stand Four turned cherry legs, screwing into the bottom of the case
Keyboard Reverse keyboard with ebony naturals, bone-slipped accidentals and pearwood arcades
Dimensions Length 172cm • Width 54cm • Depth of case 19cm
Weight about 30kg
Instructions Manual in English or French
full size paper drawing
Level of difficulty Some Experience
Standard version Version 1, ready for assembly
Price Standard version 1, ready for assembly $10930
Australian dollar GST-inclusive prices ex Peakhurst effective 1 January 2024.
Please enquire for export pricing.
Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.

Marking the tool box lid 38K jpeg

From our series of Gerlach construction pictures:
Marking the tool box lid

pdf icon 1K png  Sample page from the Gerlach Construction Manual describing this process

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