Early Keyboard Bibliography

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Instrument Decoration
Bragard, Roger & De Hen, Ferdinand J
[Hopkins, B (trans)]
Musical Instruments in Art and History The Viking Press 1968 -
Budden, Sue [trans] Arabesques — Decorative Panels of the Renaissance Bookking International 1995 2 87714 284 1
Mactaggart, Peter & Ann Info 1K gif Laying & Decorating Harpsichord Papers Mac & Me Ltd 1983 0 9507782 1 4
Mactaggart, Peter & Ann Painting & Marbling Harpsichord Cases Mac & Me Ltd 1983 0 9507782 2 2
Mactaggart, Peter & Ann Practical Gilding Mac & Me Ltd 1984 0 9507782 3 0
Rueger, Christoph
[Underwood, Peter (trans)]
Musical Instruments and their Decoration — Historical Gems of European Culture David & Charles 1986 0 7153 8743 X
Schmidt, Clara Arabesques • Arabesken • Aрабeски L’Aventurine
978 2 914199 58 2
Thornton, Peter Musical Instruments as Works of Art Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 1982 0 11 290325 8

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