Early Keyboard Bibliography

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Instrument Construction, Restoration & Conservation
- La Facture Instrumentale Européenne: Suprématies Nationales et Enrichissement Mutuel Musée Instrumental du Conservatoire 1985
2 903128030
- Standards in the Museum Care of Musical Instruments 1995 Museums & Galleries Commission 1995 0 948630 33 7
Abondance, Florence Restauration des Instruments de Musique Office du Livre, Fribourg 1981
van Acht, Rob Checklist of technical drawings of musical instruments in public collections of the world Moeck Verlag & Haags Gemeentemuseum 1992 3 87549 054 1
Barnes, John Making a Spinet by Traditional Methods Mac & Me Ltd 1985 0 9507782 4 9
Berner, A; van der Meer, J H;
Thibault, G
Preservation and Restoration of Musical Instruments Evelyn, Adams & Mackay 1967 -
Brauchli, Bernard & Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio Insituto per i beni musicali in Piemonte 1994 -
Brauchli, Bernard & Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio II Musica Antica a Magano 1995 -
Brauchli, Bernard & Susan;
Galazzo, Alberto [eds]
De Clavicordio III Musica Antica a Magano 1997 88 900269 0 1
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Moody, Ivan [eds] De Clavicordio V Musica Antica a Magano 2002 88 900269 2 8
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Moody, Ivan [eds] De Clavicordio VI Musica Antica a Magano 2004 88 900269 3 6
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio VII Musica Antica a Magano 2006 88 900269 4 4
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio VIII Musica Antica a Magano 2008 978 88 900269 5 9
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio IX Musica Antica a Magano 2009 978 88 900269 6 6
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio X Musica Antica a Magano 2012 978 88 907624 1 3
Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Wardman, Judith [eds] De Clavicordio XI Musica Antica a Magano 2014 978 88 907624 2 0
Cervelli, Luisa & van der Meer, John Henry Conservato a Roma il più antico clavicembalo tedesco Edizioni Palatino 1967
Costa, Susanne Glossary of Harpsichord Terms — Glossar über Cembalo-Fachausdrücke Verlag Das Musikinstrument 1980
3 920112 77 6
Doderer, Gerhard & Karman, Geert O Restauro de um Cravo Português | Another Portuguese Harpsichord Restored Gerhard Doderer, Geert Karman 2021
978 989 33 2228 4
Fontana, Eszter; Hellwig, Friedman; Martius, Klaus Historische Lacke und Beizen auf Musikinstrumenten in deutschsprachigen Quellen bis 1900 Germananisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg 1999
3 926982 60 8
Ford, Charles [ed] Making Musical Instruments — Strings & Keyboard Pantheon Books NY 1979 0 394 73561 7
Hellwig, Friedemann Atlas der Profile an Tasteninstrumenten vom 16. bis zum frühen 19. Jahrhundert Verlag E Bochinsky 1985
3 923639 65 1
Hubbard, Frank Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making Harvard University Press 1978 0 674 88845 6
Karp, Cary Studies in the Documentation and Technology of Musical Instruments Reprocentralen HSC Uppsala universitet 1984 -
Kern, Evan J Harpsichord Design & Construction Van Nostrand Reinhold 1980 0 442 23348 5
Krämer, Gerhard Cembalo und Spinett — selbst gebaut Verlag Merseburger Berlin 1979
3 87537 158 5
Louchet, Jean The Keyboard Stringing Guide for the restoration of pianos, harpsichords and clavichords Lulu 2009 -
McDonald, James Donald Construction of Musical Instruments from Australian Timbers unpublished thesis for MCA Wollongong University 1988 -
Martin, Darryl The Art of Making a Harpsichord Robert Hale 2012 978 0709 085706
Mercier-Ythier, Claude Les Clavecins Gilbert-Clarey Imprimeurs 2011
978 2 87788 007 7
Montal, Claude; Sturm, Fred [tr]The Art of Tuning — A Self-Guided Manual for Piano Tuning, Design, Action Regulation, and Repair from mid–19th-Century FrancePiano Technicians Guild Foundation 2015978 0 9861851 0 6
Nagel, Konrad Klavizitherium — selbst gebaut Verlag Merseburger Berlin 1987
3 87537 229 8
Pollens, Stewart The Manual of Musical Instrument Conservation Cambridge University Press 2015 978 1 107 07780 5
Rose, Malcolm &
Law, David
A Handbook of Historical Stringing Practice for Keyboard Instruments Rose & Law 1991 0 9518590 0 5
Schulze, Richard How to Build a Baroque Concert Harpsichord, with Historical Notes Pageant Press NY 1954 -
Schwarz, Vera [ed] Der klangliche Aspekt beim Restaurieren von Saitenklavieren Akademische Druck - u. Verlagsanstalt 1971
3 201 00843 5
Shortridge, John D Italian Harpsichord Building in the 16th and 17th Centuries Smithsonian Institution 1960 -
Skowroneck, Martin Cembalobau — Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus der Werkstattpraxis • Harpsichord Construction — A craftsman’s workshop experience and insight Verlag Erwin Bochinsky 2003
3 932275 58 6
Tournay, Jean Archives Dulcken vol I Musée Instrumental Bruxelles 3 7952 0546 8
Tullberg, Helen [trans] The Manufacture of Musical Instruments Picton Publishing 1975 0 902633414
Wagner, Georg Cembalo- und Clavichordbau Bibliographie 1830–1985 • Harpsichord and clavichord construction Bibliography 1830–1985 Frits Knuf 1989
90 6027 557 8
Watson, John R Artifacts in Use — The Paradox of Restoration and the Conservation of Organs OHS Press 2010 978 1 466 35970 3
White, Williams B Theory and Practice of Piano Construction Dover 1975 0 486 23139 9

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