Work Experience

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The Work Experience program—or Workplace Learning as it is now known—is run through the NSW Department of Education and Training, and provides high school students from Year 9 and up a taste of real working life. Students are given a choice of occupation or business, and they work there voluntarily for a week to see firsthand what skills are required.

I’ve had some pretty exceptional young people come through the shop over the years for work experience, including harpsichordist Luke Green, now performing and teaching in London, and home-schooled Elizabeth Armanious, who gained early entry as a harpsichord major into the BMus course at UNSW, and graduated at only 19 years of age.

Some of the stories of the more recent students can be found on the following pages…

Working in the classical music industry, the schedule of concerts, recordings and maintenance & tuning visits means each day brings different challenges. The actual duties undertaken by the student must obviously vary according to our outside commitments, as well as what instruments and other projects might be requiring attention in the workshop at any time. High school students who enjoy classical music and are looking for an interesting and challenging placement in the music industry for their Workplace Learning are invited to ask.

Chris Berensen 5K jpeg Colin van der Lecq 5K jpeg Martin Hartley 5K jpeg Kerensa McElroy 7K jpeg Jessica Hsieh 5K jpeg Timothy Murray 5K jpeg Hwang Yoon-Chan 4K jpeg Mao Lee 6K jpeg
Chris Berensen Colin van der Lecq Martin Hartley Kerensa McElroy Jessicah Hsieh Timothy Murray Hwang Yoon-Chan Mao Lee

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