Work Experience

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Jessica Hsieh completed her BMUS degree last year at Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University in Brisbane, and now she is enrolled in the Postgraduate Diploma as a harp major studying with Sebastian Lipman.

However, Jessica has been interested in harpsichord for well over a year, and has been learning that instrument as her second study with Huguette Brassine.

It was Huguette’s idea that Jessica come to the workshop in Sydney for a few days in June 2006 to experience the inner workings of the harpsichord, because she was already familiar with tuning and maintaining her harp.

During her visit, Opera Australia were in rehearsal for La clemenza di Tito. The harpsichord plays an important continuo role throughout the opera, so we were able to attend several rehearsals at both the Opera Centre near Central, and the famous Sydney Opera House.

In the workshop, Jessica was open-minded to experimenting with historic temperaments for the first time, and is pictured here working on her first harpsichord tuning in Kirnberger III.

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