Technical Library

MOVING XII: Packing the Singapore Symphony Flightcase

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Flightcase bottom layer 18K jpeg Packing the SSO Flightcase…
The flightcase is laid down flat to pack and unpack. Before opening the lid, ensure the wheels are spun into their upward position to allow clearance. The bottom layer of the flightcase has space for all the accessories, and each space is labeled. From left to right, the following items are stowed:
  • Lid stick
  • Short stick
  • Stand front
  • Stand rear
  • Music desk sled
  • Music desk
  • Stand bottom stretcher (moulded)
  • Stand top stretcher (plain)


The covered instrument can then be rested in position, making sure the spine carry loops of the cover are accessible to eventually help lift the instrument out of the flightcase. The harpsichord fits snugly and is unable to shift from its position.

The flat foam overlay is then placed flush against the front and side of the case, and tucked under the instrument. The overlay is essential to ensure that the stand stretchers do not become dislodged in moving.

Flightcase bottom layer 18K jpeg

Flightcase ready to move 29K jpeg

The lid of the flightcase can then be closed. Ensure that the lid is aligned correctly to bring the butterfly catches together. Rotate the butterfly catches to lock the lid down.

The flightcase can then be flipped onto the spine side, allowing it to be wheeled.

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