How to find our workshop…

Copyright © 2017 CBH

Australia map: Sydney 11K jpeg

Throughout the year, we welcome personal callers from all over the world, but please note we do not keep normal business hours: Please contact us well ahead to make an appointment, so your trip is not in vain and we can entertain you properly.

Our large, modern factory showroom is on the edge of an industrial estate in suburban Peakhurst, within a stone’s throw of the vast tract of George’s River bushland about half an hour south of the famous Opera House on Sydney Harbour.

The directions on this page should make it easy for you to find our premises no matter how you are traveling.

Carey Beebe Harpsichords Australia Workshop 55K jpeg

Public Transport
NSW Public Transport Info 2K gifBy public transport from the centre of Sydney, take a train on the Illawarra (Blue) line to Mortdale. This line begins in the east at Bondi Junction and passes through Kings Cross before heading south at Central. You can most easily catch this train from either platform 25 at Central, or platform 4 at Town Hall: Make sure the indicator light is lit against “Mortdale” to signify the train will stop there

A pleasant twenty-minute walk from Mortdale station will bring you to our shop—please use the map below. Or you can catch a number 944 bus to Punchbowl and alight at the golf course roundabout. Follow Lorraine Street to the right, and when you reach the small park our shop is in the industrial complex opposite. Taxis are also readily available at the station if you prefer, and will cost about $8—the buses only depart every half hour or so, and in the warmer weather of summer the walk is only for the fit.

Airport arrivals
For travelers arriving from the airport, a taxi is best. The trip takes at least 15 or 20 minutes and costs from $35 to $60 depending on the terminal and the traffic conditions which vary according to time of day. There is a rail link from Domestic and International Terminals: You can purchase a ticket to Mortdale, but check the platform indicators because you probably need to change trains at Wolli Creek station.

Carey Beebe Harpsichords showroom 57K jpegDriving from the North Shore
Take the Harbour Tunnel and continue on the M2 as detailed below from the CBD.

Driving from the CBD
Enter the M2 off Macquarie Street, two blocks south of the Opera House. There is no toll outbound. Follow the signs to Rockdale, past the airport and under the runway tunnel. Immediately after the runway tunnel, take the M5 exit left off General Holmes Drive. Continue westward, and take the last exit before the toll, Route 3, King Georges Road. Turn left, and continue past the big palm trees in the Beverley Hills shopping area, and then turn right into Stoney Creek Road. This is signposted to Peakhurst. Stoney Creek Road joins Forest Road where you should turn right. The next set of lights is Boundary Road where you turn left.

Driving from Canberra or the Southern Highlands
Follow the Hume Highway but when the freeway ends, continue on the M5 toll road ($3.80). Take the Belmore Road exit which is signposted to Peakhurst. Turn immediately right at the exit lights, then take the next set of lights left at Hannan’s Road. Next lights right is Bonds Road, which will take you under the railway line and its two roundabouts. Veer left opposite the service station at the next roundabout. Cross the six lanes of Forest Road and you are now traveling south east on Boundary Road.

Driving from Wollongong or the South Coast
Soon after the Princes Highway crosses the Georges River at Tom Ugly’s Bridge, continue straight ahead on King Georges Road through Blakehurst and South Hurstville, eventually turning left at Forest Road. After the Y-intersection with Stoney Creek Road, take the next lights left into Boundary Road.

Driving from the Blue Mountains, Parramatta or the Hills District
Take James Ruse Drive and Silverwater Road, bypassing Bankstown. Don’t miss the Hurstville exit which will drop you onto Henry Lawson Drive just before Salt Pan Creek. Turn left into Henry Lawson Drive, which changes to Forest Road after a few sets of lights. Turn right at the lights into Boundary Road, and you are almost there.

The last section, from Boundary Road
Take the next lights right at Stanley Street, which changes into Lorraine Street at the dogleg. Enter the complex of 17 Lorraine Street at the letterboxes. There is plenty of off-street parking. To park at our front door, turn right at the letterboxes as soon as you enter the complex. If you have arranged to drop off an instrument for repair, please drive straight ahead instead, and reverse park at our back door for easier access to the workshop.

Area map of Carey Beebe Harpsichords Australia workshop location 36K jpeg

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You can also find street maps and directions to our workshop from anywhere on Google Maps, or view our workshop using Google Earth.

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