The Secondhand Instrument List

Copyright © 2025 CBH

  • This page is always up to date.
  • All instruments listed are available for sale as 27 March 2025.
  • These instruments are located around Australia, and prices quoted are in Australian dollars (AUD).
  • Check the differences between the revival and historic types of harpsichord.
  • GST is not applicable on the purchase price of the majority of these instruments because they are listed for private sale by unregistered entities.
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  • Prospective purchasers should ascertain condition and suitability of these instruments for themselves because no warranties are express or implied and no liability is accepted for any statement, opinion, error or omission.
  • We are very pleased to assist our purchasers by arranging packing and insured road, air or sea freight at competitive prices.
  • For further details on any instrument, or to be put in touch with a vendor, please contact Carey Beebe quoting the Instrument List number and any specific questions.
  • Please refer to the Location Key table opposite for the wherabouts of each instrument: Those in our showroom are denoted by *** in the first column.
  • Personal callers welcome to our workshop by appointment.
*** in workshop
ACT Australian Capital Territory
NSW New South Wales
NT Northern Territory
QLD Queensland
SA South Australia
TAS Tasmania
VIC Victoria
WA Western Australia

Choice of the Instruments…
#543 Zuckermann Italian Virginal I 1974 153K jpeg

#545 Zuckermann Italian Harpsichord III 1984
49: CDEF-d'''  
short octave with split sharps, boxwood naturals, cherry accidentals,
A415, yellow cedar case, turned beech stand, soundboard rose, restrung & revoiced

Not many examples of this popular model become available on the market. This particular instrument had been neglected and damaged, but after extensive work now sings again and offers excellent value.

    $7700 GST Inclusive

#524 QLD Graeme Rushworth Single-manual harpsichord, Melbourne 1972
54: C-f'''  
2x8´, lute register & buff, reverse keyboard, soundboard rose, turned stand PRICE REDUCED
IL#524 4K jpeg $1800
#515 NSW Sassmann Spinet c1990
55: BB-f'''  
dark green exterior, red interior, gold bands, Rose strings, stool, good condition
IL#515 4K jpeg $3200
#520 NSW Wittmayer Single-manual Harpsichord c1969
54: C-f'''  
8´+4´, with 4´ on knee lever, split buff, good condition
IL#520 4K jpeg $4000
#518 NSW Alec Hodsdon Clavichord, Suffolk UK 1949
54: BB-e'''  
double-strung, A415, reverse keyboard, walnut case, stand, soundboard & bridge replaced in 2002
IL#518 4K jpeg $4500
#545 ***Zuckermann Italian Harpsichord III 1984
49: CDEF-d'''  
short octave with split sharps, boxwood naturals, cherry accidentals, A415, yellow cedar case, turned beech stand, soundboard rose, restrung & revoiced
IL#545 4K jpeg + $7700
#544 *** Hubbard Flemish Single Harpsichord 1985
55: GG,AA-d'''  
2x8´, buff, A415, green exterior, turquoise interior, soundboard rose, baluster stand
IL#544 4K jpeg $8000
#530 NSW Zuckermann French Double Harpsichord II 1975
63: FF-g'''  
Reverse keyboard with ivory-slipped accidentals, non-transposing A415, dark blue ext, light blue int, painted trestle stand
IL#530 4K jpeg $12000
#533 SA Richard Schaumlöffel (Adelaide) Large Single-manual harpsichord 1996/Delin
58+1: GG-e'''   
2x8´, buff, transposable A415/A440, soundboard painting, oak trestle stand, stool PRICE REDUCED
IL#533 4K jpeg $18000
#517 VIC Mars McMillan Large Double-manual Harpsichord #23 1975
63: FF-g'''  
with lute register, buff to both 8´ choirs, veneered case, reverse keyboard, soundboard painting
IL#517 4K jpeg $20000

Also check the instruments available on our Pre-loved Custom Instruments page.


#535 *** Zuckermann Unfretted Clavichord V LEOPOLD VIC 3224
#542 *** Hubbard Bentside Spinet / Baker Harris 1763 FADDEN ACT 2904
#537 *** Zuckermann Flemish Double Harpsichord XV 2003 BUNYIP VIC 3815
#538 VIC Robert Goble & Son Oxford 1981 English Spinet BRAEMAR NSW 2575
#541 *** Zuckermann Double-fretted Clavichord WAHROONGA NSW 2076
#540 NSW Robert Goble & Son Oxford 1988 German harpsichord after Fleischer SYDNEY NSW 2000
#505 *** Tokai Spinet c1980 IVANHOE VIC 3079
#531 *** Hill & Tyre Large Double-manual Harpsichord No 120 1980 GLENBROOK NSW 2773
#529 *** Zuckermann Double-Fretted Clavichord IV CARINDALE QLD 4152
#532 VIC Willem Groeneveld 1982 Italian harpsichord after Ridolfi 1665 SOUTH MORANG VIC 3752
#526 VIC Willem Groeneveld 1990 Flemish harpsichord after Ruckers 1644 BALLARAT VIC 3350
#527 SA Sperrhake Single-strung Clavichord 1960s BRIDGEWATER SA 5155
#482 SA Goble Concert Double-manual Harpsichord 1962 MELBOURNE VIC 3000
#525 VIC Willem Groeneveld 1979 Italian harpsichord after Ridolfi 1665 BEECHWORTH VIC 3747
#516 *** Dolmetsch Jet Spinet #976 c1970 WEST END QLD 4101
#521 *** Zuckermann Flemish Double V kit KELSO NSW 2795
#519 VIC Marc Nobel Flemish Virginal 1981 after Hans Ruckers 1598 MELBOURNE VIC 3000
#514 TAS TPW Ruckers Single Harpsichord NORTH IPSWICH QLD 4305
#509 *** Zuckermann Double-fretted Clavichord III SHERWOOD QLD 4075
#508 NSW David Halton Italian Harpsichord 1989 LEURA NSW 2780
#510 TAS Zuckermann Flemish Single Harpsichord VIII 1978 LEWISHAM NSW 2049
#503 *** John Morley Unfretted Clavichord c1957 ST KILDA VIC 3182
#479 VIC Richard Sorensen Fortepiano 1984 after Stein 1784 SOMERTON PARK SA 5044
#504 *** Hugh Craig Clavichord # 169 c1972 ST CLAIR NSW 2759
#418 VIC Alec Hodsdon Virginal, Suffolk UK 1950 CAULFIELD VIC 3162
#502 *** Robert Goble & Son Oxford 1988 German harpsichord after Fleischer BRAEMAR NSW 2575
#500 *** Ian Johnson Italian Harpsichord after Jerome 1521 KINGSTON ACT 2604
#405 NSW Zuckermann Concert Harpsichord III c1975 BOWEN HILLS QLD 4006
#499 *** Zuckermann Flemish Single Harpsichord XIII 1985 LEURA NSW 2780
#497 VIC Hubbard French Double 1993 ARANDA ACT 2614
#498 *** John Morley Clavichord 1962 ROBERTSON QLD 4109
#471 SA Zuckermann Flemish Single VI 1976 DOREEN VIC 3754
#496 *** Morley Bentside Spinet London c1970 NEWTOWN NSW 2042
#495 *** Rainer Schütze Flemish Double Harpsichord 1971 WEST RYDE NSW 2114
#494 VIC Zuckermann Flemish Single VI 1978 EVERTON HILLS QLD 4053
#492 NSW Tokai Spinet c1980 JOSLIN SA 5070
#484 NSW Zuckermann Concert Harpsichord V 1979 LAKE GARDENS VIC 3355
#489 WA Ireland & Son double-manual harpsichord 1970s CLAREMONT WA 6010
#470 ACT Zuckermann Concert Harpsichord IV c1978 NEW ZEALAND
#488 NSW Lindholm single-manual revival harpsichord c1970 STANWELL PARK NSW 2508
#490 WA D. Jacques Way Stein Fortepiano 1983 PERTH WA 6000
#485 VIC Triple-fretted Clavichord 1995 IPSWICH QLD 4305
#487 *** Zuckermann Concert Harpsichord IV 1978 MACQUARIE PARK NSW 2113
#465 SA Zuckermann Flemish Single Harpsichord VI 1978 CURRIE TAS 7256
#486 VIC Clavichord by Ratajak, Oregon 1975 PRESTONS NSW 2170
#472 VIC AMD French 17th century harpsichord, Paris 2007 GOOGONG NSW 2620
#481 QLD Hubbard French Double Harpsichord c1979 ALBANY CREEK QLD 4035
#464 VIC Triple-fretted Clavichord 1995 TOORAK VIC 3142
#473 SA Morley Pentagonal Virginal c1968 KINGSTON VIC 3364
#422 SA Schaumlöffel Large single-manual harpsichord 1996/Delin NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006
#478 VIC Mars McMillan Virginal 1972 FAIRLIGHT NSW 2094
#392 VIC Zuckermann Double-fretted Clavichord III RAINBOW VIC 3424
#476 *** Morley Clavichord c1957 ZILLMERE QLD 4034
#383 WA Zuckermann Flemish Double XV MERRIMAC QLD 4226
#474 *** Morley Clavichord #454 c1957 RAINBOW VIC 3424
#469 *** AMD Cadet harpsichord 2011 CAMPERDOWN NSW 2050
#467 *** Zuckermann Unfretted Clavichord V DINMORE QLD 4303
#462 VIC Morley Bentside Spinet London 1967 POTTS POINT NSW 2011
#466 ACT Hubbard Flemish Single Harpsichord 1985 CARNEGIE VIC 3163
#368 WA Zuckermann Flemish XV 1986 ST LUCIA QLD 4067
#451 *** Morley Clavichord 1962 POTTS POINT NSW 2011
#460 QLD Tokai Spinet c1980 COMO NSW 2226
#454 VIC Hugh Craig unfretted clavichord from 1981 kit ALBURY NSW 2640
#458 *** Hubbard French Double Harpsichord 1975 NERRINA VIC 3350
#448 *** Zuckermann Flemish Single Harpsichord V 1975 NERRINA VIC 3350
#456 *** Storrs Bentside Spinet 1982 WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102
#457 *** Goble Double-manual Harpsichord 1968 ROSEVILLE NSW 2069
#452 SA Single-manual harpsichord by Officium Musicum, Milan 1994 NEWCASTLE NSW 2300
#455 *** Zuckermann Double-fretted Clavichord III NAREMBURN NSW 2065
#438 *** Hubbard Mother & Child Flemish Virginals by Wallace Sullivan 1981 CANBERRA ACT 2600
#440 TAS Wittmayer Bach model Double-manual harpsichord 1968 MELBOURNE VIC 3000
#446 *** Zuckermann Flemish Single Harpsichord V 1975 NORTH LAKES QLD 4509
#445 *** Zuckermann Triple-fretted Clavichord I 1978 CHINA

Wanted Known
Whereabouts of quality early keyboard instruments
of all makes and types looking for new homes,
suitable for inclusion in the Instrument List.
Would you like your instrument to appear here?
Please contact Carey Beebe for details.

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