Klop Continuo Organ for hire 50K jpeg

Hire Instruments

Copyright © 2024 CBH

The Continuo Organ *

8⁠´ Stopped
4⁠´ Chimney flute
2⁠´ Open
1 1 3⁠´ Quint (treble only)
Divided stop registers
54-note keyboard C–f''' A392/A415/A440/A466
A430 capable
Historical temperaments possible
All wooden pipes
European oak case
Pierced panels to sides & back
Self-contained 240V Laukhuff blower


All wooden pipes to accompany everything
from solo recorder to choral masterworks.

Size: 113 x 83 x 49cm
Value: $55000
Performance Fee: $1320

Sound 1K gif

* Flightcase compatible
for safe transit anywhere

Our Klop Continuo Organ has featured in several hundred performances around Australia with the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra, Bach Akademie Australia, Coro Innominata, The Song Company, Sydney Chamber Choir, Sydney Philharmonia Choirs or the Sydney or Tasmanian Symphony Orchestras. Overseas visitors using the organ have included the Choir of King’s College Cambridge, The Sixteen, Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop, and the Westminster Abbey Choir. It has traveled to Singapore for Collegium Vocale Gent, and to Delhi in 2013 for a most interesting Monteverdi project with French ensemble Akadêmia. We frequently pair it with our Neapolitan harpsichord to form an instant claviorgan for Pinchgut Opera productions conducted by Erin Helyard.


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