Work in Progress

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Ruckers Double soundboard painting by Diana Ford 132K jpeg The Ruckers Double Harpsichord

2 x 8⁠´, 1 x 4⁠´, buff on back 8⁠´
Stop registers worked by brass levers through nameboard
Two 56+1-note reverse keyboards GG–d''' A392/A415/A440
Tapered pearwood jacks with holly tongues,
  boar bristle springs & Canada goose quill
Strung in Birkett brass, and P-wire
Gilded rose
Soundboard painting by Diana Ford using Australian motifs
  in style of early I Ruckers
Flemish printed papers to keywell (Johannes)
  & case rim (Little Mask)
Handpainted Colonial Green exterior, Japan Silk interior
Gilded mouldings
Seven leg table stand in French oak with leg storage & drawer
Matching stool with buttoned leather seat
Oak music desk & lid sticks


Australian National Acedmy of Music, Melbourne VIC

Australian National Academy of Music 4K gif


Ruckers Double harpsichord stand 53K jpeg Ruckers Double harpsichord case painting 52K jpeg
Table stand with accessory drawer Painting the case & lids

Ruckers Double harpsichord keyboards 63K jpeg
Completed keyboards

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