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Ruckers Double soundboard painting by Diana Ford 127K jpeg
  The Ruckers Double Harpsichord

2 x 8⁠´, 1 x 4⁠´, buff on back 8⁠´
Stop registers worked by brass levers through nameboard
Two 56+1-note reverse keyboards GG–d''' A392/A415/A440
Tapered pearwood jacks with holly tongues,
  boar bristle springs & natural Delrin plectra
Strung in Malcom Rose red & yellow brass, and P-wire
Gilded rose
Soundboard painting by Diana Ford using Australian motifs
  in style of early I Ruckers
Flemish printed papers to keywell (Reverse Johannes)
  & case rim (Reverse Pellegrino)
Handpainted Forest Green exterior, Colonial Green interior
Gilded mouldings
Seven leg table stand in French oak
Matching stool with buttoned leather seat
Oak music desk & lid sticks


Private commission, Dubai, United Arab Emirates



Ruckers Double harpsichord: Lower manual keyend cloth 49K jpeg Ruckers Double harpsichord: Boar bristle springs for tapered wooden jacks 52K jpeg
Nailing the lower manual keyend cloth Boar bristle springs in tapered wooden jacks

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