Many, many thanks for your wonderful work. You have absolutely transformed it and it has never sounded this good! | C.W. Sydney, NSW Australia 30 Sep 2024 |
Every time I set up my fortepiano, and I screw in the legs, and they end up in the correct position with no shims, I intone your name with reverence! Thanks for that. |
D.S. New York, NY, USA 27 Sep 2019 |
I’m the one to say “thank you”. We’re very happy with the results of your work. | K.K. Honolulu, HI, USA 17 Aug 2017 |
…I understand that you wrote the manual for the TPW Flemish single. I congratulate you on a masterful job. It was lucid, easy to follow and resulted in a successful project — of which I am very proud. | J.S. Long Beach, CA USA 8 May 2016 |
I am so honored to have had a master builder work on my humble instrument. Now it drives like a BMW…Thanks again for all your help and expertise. | W.S. Tokyo, Japan 5 May 2016 |
I really wanted to thank you for the amazing work you did on the instrument in Brisbane. I felt indeed very blessed to have been associated with your work — it is a big honour for me. | M.E. Prague, Czech Republic 25 Apr 2016 |
Thank you so much Carey, and thank you for all your wonderful and dedicated work on the festival. Your skill, willingness to help and patience is very much appreciated. | A.J. Sydney, NSW Australia 19 Apr 2016 |
Thanks for making everything so easy and smooth. Makes my life a lot easier especially without an orchestral manager. It’s great that I can totally rely on you. | S.M. Sydney, NSW Australia 5 Apr 2016 |
The help and guidance that you so freely offer is truly invaluable to people like me and is really appreciated. Thank you once again. | N.L. Peterborough United Kingdom 29 Sep 2015 |
The harpsichord sounds fantastic (best I can remember it)… | A.J. Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 5 Jun 2014 |
Just got back last night and can't keep my hands off the clavichord. You've done a wonderful job. Looks like new, the action is so light and the sound is beautiful. I'll be looking after it better now! | V.C. Brighton-le-Sands, NSW Australia 23 Apr 2014 |
I’m absolutely stunned by your restoration of the Andrew Garlick. The string scheduling is absolutely perfect, the voicing superb and so light, yet bringing out the best sonority of the instrument, the staggering is again perfect, and the key dip, allowing for the most incredibly light touch, with just enough free-fall after the pluck to ensure that there is no tension in hand position whatsoever. The new jacks are a model of economy, efficiency and elegance…Well, it’s opened up a whole new world of musical subtlety for me…What more can I say but thankyou, and thanks for working like a demon to get it to me so promptly. | M.S. Lawson, NSW Australia 14 Sep 2013 |
Thank you so much for all the work you have done to our spinet. I spent an hour or so playing it this afternoon, and found it transformed. The keyboard is now even and the keys quiet. A great improvement. Bernie is already writing out new parts for me to play at next month's concert! | A.H. Sydney, NSW Australia 30 Aug 2013 |
Your work has been thanked by all the players who knew our instrument previously. | M.K.-K. Sipoo Finland 21 Aug 2013 |
Practicing is very pleasurable. The instrument feels like a new instrument in some ways. New, Even, Dependable. Touch is nicer. Am enjoying the tone of the lower 8´ more. Am enjoying the tuning too. I'll discover more, and will be enjoying immensely, as there should be more time available soon. And look forward to tune it better, and be able to take nicer care of her too. Thank you for your expert work and the guidance! | M.K. |
Have a good rest of the trip and thank you for the quality craftsmanship you have done on my instrument. I was playing last night and tuned it and it is a real pleasure to play on it now. | D.G. |
I can’t tell you how thrilled we are with the harpsichord. What a wonderful asset we have acquired and how lucky are we all to have such a beautiful instrument to play and enrich our music program. | S.T. |
Many thanks indeed for your incredibly prompt service - has been a pleasure dealing with you which in turn fires me with enthusiasm to tackle the project. | M.H. |
Thanks … of course for being responsible for the rebirth of my harpsichord. It is producing sounds that I forgot it was capable of making, particularly in the bass! Thank you, thank you. | J.V. |
Thank you for the improvements. The harpsichords are much better now. | R.L |
• Carey Beebe and a David Rubio Harpsichord in Warsaw — a challenge to maintain | |
And many thanks for coming by to work on the instruments. It’s great to have them in such good condition… | D.A |
Thanks a lot for your job, my instrument sounds very well now. | A.F |
Many thanks for your work on the harpsichord and for your presentation which highlighted some very interesting topics that are easily overlooked in the hurly-burly of preparing for exams! … Once again, thanks for sharing your expertise and enthusiasm with us. It was much appreciated. | A.H |
I … thank you for the excellent work on the five instruments. They are feeling and playing in excellent condition again. Your careful and detailed work makes a great difference to my fingers and my ears. Thanks also for the notes on the work carried out on each instrument. | D.C |
I am so happy with my Harpsichord. You have a fine sense of wonderful sound! Many thanks for the big work!! | T.C-H. |
Thank you very much for your great maintenance the other day … I am deeply indebted to you. | T.S. |
Carey, not only are you a fine technician but an amazingly organised one as well! It’s no wonder you have extended overseas gigs. | D.K. |
It was wonderful to have you here and we very much appreciate your work, care and attention to our instruments. | S.S. |
Many thanks for your sterling work, I hope they will ask you back. | H.B. |
Thank you very much for coming over to service and repair the harpsichords in Singapore. They are superb everytime after your visits. | H.S.L Singapore 8 Nov 2011 |
THANKYOU Carey for your lightening speed and great service. | L.B Sydney, NSW Australia 3 Nov 2011 |
Many thanks for your work. We rehearsed this morning, this instrument sounded terrific. | T.E Sydney, NSW Australia 26 Aug 2011 |
Thank you again for your wonderful job! | K-M.J. Seoul South Korea 20 May 2011 |
I just can’t be happier with my instrument after your service… | M-S.K. Seoul South Korea 7 May 2011 |
Thank you again Carey for the wonderful work — amazing all done on site! | D.B. Melbourne, VIC Australia 19 Jan 2011 |
Many thanks for your detailed appraisal of the Conservatorium’s harpsichords and your thoroughly professional approach to their repair and general maintenance. | P.L. Hobart, TAS Australia 16 Dec 2010 |
How can one person possibly be as efficient as you are?????? I stand amazed. | C.S. Sydney, NSW Australia 9 Dec 2010 |
As ever, I am very indebted to you for taking this on. I completely understand how busy you are so I'm grateful. | N.P.D.C. Sydney, NSW Australia 23 Sep 2010 |
Thanks again! I have a new instrument…I can’t stop playing it! | J.R. Honolulu, Hawaii USA 29 Jun 2010 |
Thank you very much for your service managing your very busy trip. We could improve our instrument’s conditions a lot. Now, we need to improve our skill and then, let's enjoy music. | O.O. Yokohama Japan 25 Jun 2010 |
Thank you for your eagerly and professionally help!! without you we couldnt make the concert happend!! Thank you so much! | Z.L. Shenzhen China 10 Jun 2010 |
However, without your help, it would not have been possible. Thanks again… | A-J.R. Den Haag Netherlands 5 Jun 2010 |
Thank you! : ) I hope you arrive safely to Australia and get some deserved rest. I’ve enjoyed all this summer, practicing on my instrument, thanks to you. : ) |
D.A.T. San Juan Puerto Rico 5 Aug 2009 |
• Nomadic Magician | |
You are the professional from the professionals in the harpsichord maintanence! My Kirkman double plays even better than new. | A.S. Taipei Taiwan 15 May 2007 |
I have the Watts pianoforte in my house … It arrived without any problems. The piano is much better than the photos. I am very pleased with its condition, and it appears to have a good tone. Your work in re-stringing the piano, is artwork, in and of itself. I would like to thank you, for making this transaction as troublefree, as it has been. You have gone above and beyond, and have been thorough and meticulous with your attention to this purchase. |
T.M. Elizabethtown, Kentucky USA 22 Apr 2007 |
I have just been playing my harpsichord (François Couperin) and have been enjoying it very much. It is so much easier to play more accurately and control the nuances and articulation and because I can now really hear the bass and tenor so much better I get much more a feel of dialogue between the treble and bass. I really enjoy both sets of strings now and am hearing new characters for some of my old favourite pieces emerge … I am very grateful for all the work and thought you have put into it, it feels and sounds as if its character has really come out and beckons me to play! | A.W. Sydney, NSW Australia 5 Mar 2007 |
Many thanks for your excellent manual and the perfect finish of the components. | R.B. Cambridge UK 3 Jan 2007 |
A million thanks, Carey, for walking me through the construction of the Delin Spinet. Your responses to my plaintive email requests for assistance were always prompt, to the point, immensely helpful, and always encouraging… | M.F Mill Valley, California USA 4 Jan 2006 |
I write this e-mail just to thank you for the great job done on the spinet. You gave me back a completely new and reliable instrument. | E.B. Canberra, ACT Australia 1 Jun 2006 |
Your little packet arrived yesterday. So thanks to your advice I can now replace a broken string, a broken plectrum, tune the instrument to a temperament and relax after an apparent catastrophe. This is what I call progress! | M.M. Warsaw Poland 20 Feb 2006 |
Many thanks for your work last Friday in such a short notice. Harpsichord is behaving very well now and I have a pleasure to practice and play again. | M.K. Sydney, NSW Australia 17 Oct 2005 |
You rock. You know more than the […] people. | V.H. Oakland, California USA 29 Sep 2005 |
Your devotion to the harpsichord and the great technical skills you possess are truly remarkable. What you have done to my Neupert is beyond belief. I knew it had possibilities, but it now far surpasses my fondest expectations. Besides everything working correctly, the action is much more smooth, and I can now see why you keep your hands so close to the keys in performance. It’s a totally new experience. It’s feeling and sounding like a completely new instrument, and I can hardly keep my hands off of it. I played several hours each day since you left. To put it mildly, “I’M ASTONISHED!! You are a travelling MAGICIAN!!” | W.C. Cambria, California USA 18 Aug 2005 |
Thank you for your maintenance. The instrument is now in good shape and shall be used in our summer concert series. | I.H. Porvoo Finland 27 Jun 2005 |
Thank you for your very expert help. I look forward to a long association over time. | R.V. San Juan Puerto Rico 26 Jun 2005 |
Playing my harpsichord is always a pleasure for me. Before it had not a real identity in the sound, and now I am very happy with it. The revoice is good for me : a lot of “caractère”, not so hard, not so soft. Thank you very much. | I.P. Veurey-Voroize, France 19 Jun 2005 |
I am really grateful that you did such a wonderful job on the repair... :) | T.Y. Singapore 25 May 2005 |
You must come by in any case to catch up and see your Grimaldi, this fantastic intrument is just getting better and better, both the tone and the contrast in the voices has changed significantly over the last 18 months, it’s bigger and beefier all round, with all my listening I rate yours as one of the very first rank. It remains completely bulletproof: I tuned in December and had to do so again mid Feb, but only because I needed something more compromising than the meantone it was standing in!! | D.B. Brisbane, QLD Australia 21 Mar 2005 |
It was wonderful to see you, and I am very pleased with your work on the Kennedy. You know how to bring out the character of the instrument very well! | D.C. Hong Kong 18 May 2003 |
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