Technical Library

MOVING XV: Table stand assembly

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Beginning table stand assembly 13K jpeg

How to set up the Ruckers table stand…

Rest the stand in its cover, upside down on the floor.

Unzip the cover, and remove the lower frame and place aside.

Flip the stand onto its spine, and remove from the cover.

Table stand coming out of cover 18K jpeg

Stand unpacked ready for assembly 16K jpeg

Rest the stand upside down on the floor, ready to screw in the legs.

Remove the legs from their horizontal transport position by unscrewing the balls.

Observing the leg profile (thicker at the top), screw each leg only part way into its hole.

The legs are identical and interchangeable.

Screwing the legs into the stand 17K jpeg

Locating the lower frame 17K jpeg

Locate the lower frame of the stand over each of the seven leg bolts, observing that the finished stand has a moulding running around the top of lower frame.

Because you are assembling the table stand upside down, you must ensure the moulded corner is now facing down.

Now screw each leg into fully into the stand table.

When all legs are screwed fully into the stand table, screw each leg ball in turn onto the base of each leg.

Screwing the leg balls 16K jpeg

Table stand ready for instrument 16K jpeg

Flip the assembled table stand over onto its feet, and you are ready to slide the instrument in from the spine side.

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