Technical Library

DECORATION II: Soundboard painting

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Hints for tasteful soundboard decoration…

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About the Flemish Soundboard Painting Kit…

However elaborate or simple their case decoration, historic Flemish harpsichords always had decorated soundboards. Once you’ve become accustomed to the appearance of these instruments, a harpsichord with an unpainted soundboard can look partly undressed.

Sheila Barnes devised our Soundboard Painting Kit, based on the later Ioannes Ruckers style found on his 1637 single and 1638 double in the famous Russell Collection, University of Edinburgh.

We provide you with all the materials you will need as well as elaborately detailed instructions. The historical background is explained in the booklet, with step-by-step procedures and specific technical advice. Soundboard layouts are included, along with the full-size drawings to be used as patterns for the various elements of the decoration. The supplies include dry pigments, gum arabic (the correct medium), brushes, a palette knife, and small containers in which to store the colors.

• We regret the Flemish Soundboard Painting Kit is no longer available.

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