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Musical Instruments including Early Music

2 & 10 November 2004

  • All figures are in Pounds Sterling (GBP)
  • Sales results include Buyer’s Premium
  • Omitted lot numbers indicate items that were withdrawn, passed, or unsold as of data date


243 ‘Bible Regal’ (Portable Harmonium), England 500–700  
244 William Stodart: Grand Pianoforte, London c1815 10–15K  
244A Edward & John Pistor: Bureau Chamber Organ, England , last quarter of C18th -  
257 Grand Pianoforte, Italy c1830 2.5–3K  
258 Square Piano, South Germany or Austria c1820 1–1.5K  
259 John Broadwood & Sons: Square Piano, London c1826 1–1.5K  
260 Ferdinand Seiler: Grand Pianoforte, Munich c1820 20–25K  
261 Edward Blunt: Bent Side [sic] Spinet, London 1703 14–18K  
262 Polygonal Virginals, Italy C17th and later 8–12K  
263 Sebastien & Jean-Baptiste Eard: Square Piano, Paris 1798 2.5–3.5K  
264 John Broadwood & Son: Square Piano, London 1801 1.8–2.5K  
265 Michael Weiss: Grand Pianoforte, Prague c1795 20–25K  
266 John Bland: Square Piano, London c 1790 1.5–2K  
267 Andreas Ruckers: Two-maual Harpischord, Antwerp 1614 50–70K  
268 John Broadwood: Square Piano, London 1787 2–3K  
269 Joseph Finger: Grand Pianoforte, Brünn c1810 2–4K  
270 Thomas Tomkison: Grand Pianoforte, London c1815 10–15K  
271 William Stodart: Compensating Frame Grand Pianoforte, London c1820 6–8K  
272 Robin & William Bailey: Single Manual Harpsichord, London second quarter of C18th 30–50K  
273 Charles Lemme: Square Piano, Paris c1820 1.5–2K  
274 Mayer & Haitzmann: Grand Pianoforte, Vienna c1835 3–5K  
275 Johann Baptist Streicher: Grand Pianoforte, Vienna P1845 18–25K  
276 Thomas Hitchcock the Younger: Bentside Spinet, London c1735 14–18K  
277 Bentside Spinet, England mid-C18th 5–7K  
278 Jacob Kirckman: Two-manual Harpsichord, London 1763 50–70K  
279 Popfer: Grand Pianoforte, Paris c1840 1.2–1.8K  
280 William Stodart: Compensating Frame Grand Pianoforte, London c1840 1.5–2.5K  
281 Longman & Broderip: Square Piano, London c170 1.4–1.8K  


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