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Early Musical Instruments

27 October 1999

  • All figures are in Pounds Sterling (GBP)
  • Sales results do not include Buyer’s Premium
  • Omitted lot numbers indicate items that were withdrawn, passed, or unsold as of data date


62 Challen & Hollis: Upright Piano, London c1840 350–500 -
63 Muzio Clementi & Co: Square Piano, London c1820 600–800 1300
64 John Hitchcock: Spinet, third quarter of the 18th century 8–12K 9500
65 Matthew & William Stodart: Grand Pianoforte, London c1800 4–6K 4200
66 H. Roloff: Obliquely strung ‘dog kennel’ Piano, Neubrandenburg c1840 6–8K -
67 F.A.Klein: Lyre Piano, Berlin c1835 5–7K -
68 Burkat Shudi & John Broadwood: Two-manual Harpsichord, London 1773 80–120K 95000
69 Johann Schanz: Grand Pianoforte, Vienna c1820 10–15K 15500
70 John Broadwood & Son: Grand Pianoforte, London 1804 3.5–4.5K 6000
71 Two-manual Harpsichord, Flanders 17th century & France second quarter of the 18th century and later 30–50K 26000
72 Joseph Wachtl & Jacob Bleyer: Double Giraffe Piano, Vienna c1805 8–12K -
73 Spinet, England, mid-18th century 6–8K -
74 Joris Britsen: Two-manual Harpischord, Antwerp 1680 70–100K -
75 John Snetzler: Bureau Organ, London 1751 35–45K 32000
76 John Broadwood & Sons: Square Piano, 1818 600–800 150
77 Adam Beyer: Square Piano, London 1795 1.5–2.5K 1200


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