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Ton Koopman in rehearsal with the Australian Chamber Orchestra 41K jpeg
Ton Koopman…historical context is crucial to an appreciation of baroque music.
(Australian Chamber Orchestra shown in rehearsal with Ton Koopman directing
from the Flemish Double Harpsichord by Carey Beebe 1993)

Baroque an early passion

Harpsichordist Ton Koopman began playing the organ at 13 and is now a leading exponent of early music.

Unlike many of his fellow enthusiasts, Ton Koopman does not turn the use of original instruments into a moral issue. He is Dutch, of course, which might explain it.

In Holland, legislators don’t carry out witch-hunts of marijuana smokers, and music lovers allow the Concertgebouw extravagant performances of the St Matthew Passion — if the famous concert hall is in a festive mood — despite the fact the Dutch rival the English for interest in early music…

Article by Miriam Cosic
The Sydney Morning Herald June 3 1994

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