French Double 37K jpeg

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The French Double Harpsichord after Blanchet

2 x 8⁠´, 1 x 4⁠´, buff to back 8⁠´
Stop registers worked by levers through nameboard
Two 61-note reverse keyboards FF–f''' A392/A415
Tapered pearwood jacks with holly tongues, boar bristle springs
      & Canada goose quill, working in leathered registers
Strung in Birkett Red & Yellow Brass, and P-wire
Soundboard painting after Collesse by Sheridan Germann
Handpainted Soldier Blue case
Water gilt mouldings and keywell, oil gilt bands
Six leg Louis-XVI stand with concealed music drawer
Watergilt boxes & reverse flutes, oil gilt cast brass medallions
Matching stool with buttoned gold velvet seat



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