Australian Association of Musical Instruments Makers Inc

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The subject of a national body of instrument makers was first raised in 1978 at a meeting held by The Early Music Association of New South Wales at Macquarie University. Several instrument makers were present, and considering the amount of instrument making activity in Australia, it was thought highly desirable to form a makers’ association.

In the ensuing years, much discussion and deliberation took place with the view of producing a Constitution which would clearly set out the aims and aspirations of the Association. Those who were the most prominent in formulating the early direction of AAMIM included Geoff Wills from Queensland, and Ray Holiday and John Godschall Johnson, both from New South Wales. All three have since passed away, but they held official positions within the group for several years, and must be recognized for tirelessly raising the community awareness of musical instrument making.

AAMIM was officially launched in November 1981.

There were a number of aims set out in the Constitution, but the most prominent were:

It was the original intention of the founders that the Association was to function as an Australia-wide organization with a branch in each state. This structure endured successfully for a number of years before incorporation in Queensland as a national body. The world has changed since, and membership dwindled until only Queensland branch was active. The AAMIM website was disbanded in September 2018, and the Association sadly wound up a few months later.

The Journal, JAAMIM (Journal of the Australian Association of Musical Instrument Makers Inc.), was the only publication devoted to the musical instrument making scene in Australia. It first appeared in October 1982 and was the major voice of the Association. In the later years of the Association, JAAMIM was issued quarterly to all members as a benefit of their membership.

JAAMIM was a registered serial ISSN 0815 9793 and deposited in various State and National libraries as well as selected educational institutions for the benefit of the Australian public for generations to come. The following is a list of contents of all the journal issues produced during its period of publication: This listing originally appeared on the AAMIM website.


I 1 October 1982
  • Making pads for flute keys by RA Holliday
  • Some Bows in the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney drawn & described by Ian Watchorn
  • A preliminary report on Violin Making and Research in the USA (Churchill Trust sponsored) by GW Caldersmith
  • Small Tapered Files and Reamers by KC Mercer
  • Flat Top Bridge Removal by Jim Williams

II 1 April 1983
  • Baroque Violin Construction by John Godschall Johnson
  • Plain Talk About Funny Harpsichords by D Jacques Way
  • All-gut Stringing of Lutes by Ephraim & Djilda Segerman
  • A Jig for trueing the edges of a soundboard prior to joining by B Lemin
  • Some Comments on the Virginia Bradden report “Handcrafted acoustic musical instrument making in Australia” by F O’Gallagher
  • A selected list of Australian native timbers which show potential for use in musical instrument making by A Black
  • A few suppliers of instrumental woods by A Black
  • Instrument Drawings from the collection of Alan Mills
  • Ideas from the workshop
    • Glueing on Ivory Bow Tips by John Godschall Johnson
    • Bending Viol Ribs by Geoff Wills
    • Bow fluting tool by Doug Eaton

III 1 May 1984
  • A tip on making extra strong hide glue Anon
  • Australian timbers for Musical Instruments by GK Patterson
  • The Musical Instruments of Ireland Anon
  • Bridge materials by R Connaughton
2 September 1984
  • Musical Timbre Part 1—Analysis of Musical Sounds by Howard F Pollard
  • Fitting a Piezo Electric Transducer to an Acoustic Guitar by Jim Williams
  • A note on Violin Varnish by AH Varnes [from Violins and Violinists Mar/Apr 1941]
  • A further note on Violin Varnish [from Violin Makers Journal of British Columbia Dec/Jan/Feb1964]
    • My Varnish Recipe by Earle Sangster
    • A Recipe for Red Violin Varnish by HC Hayes
  • A method of distributing the thickness areas in the back of a violin by John Godschall Johnson
  • Wood treatment before varnishing Anon
  • The Titian Secret—Cremona Violin Varnish by Albert W Green
  • An easy wood testing method by Joseph Taylor [from “The Principles of Violin Construction”]
  • A device for freeing rusted screws by RA Holliday
3 November 1984
  • Casein Glue—Did the old Italian masters use it? by Roger Hargrove [from The Strad Magazine Feb 1984]
  • Casein by Ralph Mayer [from “The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques”]
  • More on Casein by John Godschall Johnson
  • Will the real harpsichord please stand up? by Carey Beebe
  • Seasoning of Timber by BG Dockrill [Part 1]
  • Holographic Analysis of Violin Vibration Modes at Melbourne University by Jim Vizard & Tom Chalko
  • Structural Considerations in Classical Guitar Soundboards by Gerard Gilet
  • North Queensland Timbers for Bowed Instruments by John Martin
  • Sound and Acoustics—an outline by Graham Caldersmith
  • Musical Timbre Part 2— Measurement of Timbre by Howard F Pollard

IV 1 February 1985
  • My method of Tuning Plates by Robert F McGowan [from Violin Makers Journal of British Columbia Jan/Feb 1963]
  • Seasoning of Timber by BG Dockrill [Part 2]
  • Calculating String Tension and Gauges by Graham McDonald
  • Queensland timbers for Violin Making by FO Nixon [from The A & B Journal of Queensland Jun 1923]
  • Sirocco in China by M Atherton
  • A modification of Fulton’s “Old Italian Varnish” by Rex Thompson
  • Made and polayed in Australia by M Atherton
  • List of plans donated to the Association by Kevin Mercer
  • When does a violin not sound like a violin? by John Godschall Johnson
2 May 1985
  • More on casein by David Lidgett
  • Monopoles, Dipoles, and Tripoles by Graham Caldersmith
  • Eucalyptus Oil as a Solvent and Thinner for Oil Varnish by HC Hayes [from Violin Makers Journal of British Columbia Aug/Sep 1963]
  • Canberra Jan ’85 by John Kirk
  • Final Summary Report of Violin Varnish Research Project by Louis M Condax
  • A Little Game of Strings and Things by Frederick B Jueneman [from Industrial Research Magazine Nov 1973]
3 August 1985
  • Moiré Contours by JE McLennan
  • When I play it hurts—Overuse Injuries in Musicians by Hunter JH Fry
  • Musicians risk RSI by Eric Adam
  • The Condax Chronicles by Louis M Condax [Part 2]
  • The Condax Chronicles by Louis M Condax [Part 3]
  • Stradivarius Recaptured by Dr Joseph Nagyvary
  • Farrell’s Rib Etc by L Tyndale Lloyd
  • Some comments on “The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments” by Carey Beebe
  • More on Casein by John Godschall Johnson
  • Bate Collection of Historical Instrument—Plans available by Kevin Williams

V 1 February 1986
  • Practical Hints
    • Removing needle springs from wood wind instruments by RA Holliday
    • An easy way to construct a Moiré Screen by John Godschall Johnson
  • The Condax Chronicles by Louis M Condax [Part 4]
  • Machine Tools by RT Brown
  • Fret Positions by Computer Anon
  • Transients—on re-reading Howard Pollard on timber by LT Lloyd
  • Towards some Definitions by J McLennan
  • Oiling Woodwinds by Tom Sparkes
  • Stradivarius escapes? Again by J McLennan
  • The Bate Collection—additions
  • Photographing Harpsichords in Museums by Carey Beebe
2 May 1986
  • The vexed question of Sales Tax on musical instruments
  • Progress report on the Electric Violin by David Lidgett
  • Calculation of fret positions for instruments in the Tempered Scale by Doug Eaton
  • Violin making—How it all began for me by Rex Thompson
  • Amber-Terpene Resin Violin Varnish by Rex Thompson
  • A “Last Resort” woodwind repair by Ian MacKenzie
  • You can’t do what you don’t know, if you keep doing what you do know by Vivien Mackie
3 September 1986
  • Comments on the Transients article submitted by LT Lloyd in Feb 86 Journal by Howard Pollard
  • Player Piano Functions for beginners by Allan Jones
  • Michelman violin varnish using modern dyes by Kevin Hocking
  • Woods used in making historic harpsichords by RK Lee
  • Differing views of music by Howard Pollard
  • What does it cost? by F O’Gallagher
  • String Calculations Part 1—Plain Strings by Frank O’Gallagher
4 December 1986
  • SF Sacconi—A short account of the life and times of this Maestro by Charles Beare
  • The Arching of the Violin by JE McLennan & J Pye
  • Violin Plate Arching by RT Brown
  • The Violin, a Work of Art! by JE McLennan
  • Restoration of Sunken Arches by JE McLennan
  • Australian Violin Making 1986—Crossroads by Graham Caldersmith

VI 1 March 1987
  • Bridge to Saddle Materials by R Connaughton
  • Plate Curvature by Jim Pye
  • What is Italian Tone? by Dr LT Lloyd
  • Pedal Clavichord—An 18th century design seems bestsolution! by Jack Peters
  • Some reflections on the use of Fry Varnish by David Lidgett
  • Comments on the “Crossroads” article by Graham Caldersmith by John Johnston
  • Furthercomments on the “Crossroads” article by Graham Caldersmith by Kitty Smith
  • Furthercommentson the “Crossroads” article by Graham Caldersmith by Rod Smith
  • Ideas from the workshop
    • Planing that rubbed joint by J McLennan
    • Notes on Moiré Patterns by J McLennan
    • Casein Glue by J McLennan
    • Slipping violin pegs by J McLennan
    • Jacaranda Wood for Lining Fiddles by LT Lloyd

2 June 1987
  • Research work in Museums by Ian Watchorn
  • Extracts from the 1983 Queensland Acoustics Workshop
    • Wood vibration and Varnish effects
    • Plate Tuning
  • General Constructional Features of the Viola da Gamba in France by Ian Watchorn
  • Acoustics Conference, Tiverton, Devon by J E McLennan
  • Extract from Churchill Report: Violin making 20th Century Perspectives by G Caldersmith, with ammendments by RF Smith
  • Italian Tone by John Godschall Johnson
  • Carrying Power by LT Lloyd
  • Wood for linings by D Lidgett
  • Ideas from the workshop
    • Cleaning Violins by J McLennan
    • A further note on Moiré Patterns by J McLennan
    • More on Casein Glue by J McLennan

VII 1 March 1988
  • “Closing Gaps” and the Structural Role of a Harpsichord Soundboard by Lutz Bungart
  • More Museum Madness… by Carey Beebe
  • Extracts from 1983 Queensland Acoustics Workshop:
    • Introduction
    • Quality Rating of Stringed Instruments
    • Physical Measurement of Stringed Instruments
  • Why are old violins superior? by Graham Caldersmith
  • Stradivarius Exhibited—a report on the 250th celebrations of the death of Stradavarius in Cremona by Simon Brown
2 October 1988
  • Can Sound Quality be Measured? by Howard Pollard
  • Simple Heat Treatment of Steel by Alex Macphee
  • Two Evenings with Richard Bell—A surface coatings expert’s attempts to formulate a varnish using modern materials by Alex Macphee
  • On Varnish by Dr L Lloyd
  • Notes on Organ Building Past and Present by Keith Brown
  • Exhibitions in General by Ken Tyrrell
  • Electronic Violin—an update by David Lidgett
  • Workshop Ideas
    • The Jeweller’s Bench: a possible source of ideas
    • The Piercing Saw: a versatile precision tool
    • Mounting machines on concrete slabs
    • Sheet Aluminum Patterns

3 December 1988
  • The Properties of Wood and Musical Instruments by Ken Bamber
  • Acoustic properties of timber by JI Dunlop
  • Do Tap Tones make sense ? by LT Lloyd
  • Workshop Ideas
    • The next but final word on casein by J McLennan

VIII 1 March 1989
  • Editorial Comments on The Construction of a Violin using Composite Materials
  • Some applications of modern technology to Musical Instrument Making by Simon Marty
  • A spreadsheet for String calculations by Gillian Alcock & Terry McGee
  • WA Goldfields timbers for Flutes by Prof F Skowroneck
  • Boehm’s Thumbrest by Jill Curnow
  • Comment on Goldfields Craftwood by Ian Kealley
2 August 1989
  • Some aspects of the Dynamic Performance of King William Pine by CG Foster
  • Free and Fixed Plate Relations by DA Lidgett
  • Propolis Varnish for Harpsichords by Robert Huestis
  • Ivory by Keith Brown
  • General Observation on Acoustics by Hamilton Caswell [from The Tiverton Conference May 1987]
  • Comment
    • Tap Tones by DA Lidgett
    • Carrying power by JE McLennan

IX 1 March 1990
  • Acoustic in Australia by Nancy S Grant
  • The Principles, Problems and Philosophical Dilemma of copying Historical Models by Rowan Armour-Brown
  • Historical Workshop Techniques by Andrew Dipper
  • An evaluation of the Lucchi Elasticity Tester by JE McLennan
2 November 1990
  • Profile
    • Ian Clarke, Violin Maker interviewed by David Wadham
  • Some Violin Restoration Techniques by John Dilworth
  • Improving Instrument Sounds by using computer Spectrum Analysis by Eric Adam
  • The Stradivarius Quintet of the Spanish Royal Court by Karel Moens, translated by Johannes W Wessels
  • Future Development of AAMIM: Professionalism and a case for Accreditation by JE McLennan
  • Book review
    • “The making of String Musical Instruments” by George Buchanan reviewed by JE McLennan
  • Workshop
    • Cleaning the Inside of a Violin by John Wessels
    • Glue and Surface Primer by Lode Bauwens, translated by Johannes W Wessels
    • A useful small ‘Peg’ clamp by John Godschall Johnson

X 1 March 1991
  • Result of Questionaire to Members of AAMIM December 1990
  • John Amadio’s Flutes by Ray Holliday
2 September 1991
  • John Godschall Johnson—award of Order of Australia Medal by Ken Tyrrell
  • Doug Mitchell by Doug Foster
  • A Clamp for Preforming Purfling ‘C’ Bouts by Rex P Thompson
  • Vale Charile Saunders by Ray Holliday
  • Violin Plate Arching by Richard T Brown
  • Clarinet Players: To avoid damage to clarinets during assembly and dismantling

XI 1 March 1992
  • Obituary—Harry Hutchings by RA Holliday
  • Book reviews
    • “The physics of musical instruments” by Neville H Fletcher & Thomas D Rossing reviewed by Howard Pollard
    • “Making Early Stringed Instruments” by Ronald Zachary Taylor
  • People & Places
    • Simon O’Dwyer—Irish Horn Player by RA Holliday
  • Technical
    • Differentially Tempered Scraper Blades by Robin Connaughton
  • A method for constructing Wooden Thumb planes by Luis F Fernandez
  • Flutemaking in Germany by Andrew Berrington
  • Bits & Pieces
    • Non-fogging goggles by Ray Holliday
    • Encaustic Painting by Michael Stain

2 June 1992
  • People & Places
    • Ken Tyrrell—Harpsichord Maker
  • Book reviews
    • “Lutherie Tools—Making Hand and Power Tools for Stringed Instrument Making” edited by Tim Olsen & Cyndy Burton reviewed by Lawrence Smith
    • “A Handbook of historical stringing practice for keyboard instruments 1671–1856”compiled edited and published by Malcolm Rose & David Law reviewed by Carey Beebe
    • “Making Early Stringed Instruments” by Ronald Zachary Taylor
  • Technical
    • Ancient stringed instruments with Ki prefix names by Patricia Rovik
    • Purfling from 0.6mmVeneer by Jack Spira
  • Preventing Overuse Injuries in Oboists by Ruth Blatt
  • Why is it so by Eugene Phillips
  • Make your own glues by John Godschall Johnson
    • Isinglass glue
    • Animal glue
    • Casein glue

3 November 1992
  • Legal Obligations of Musical Instrument Makers—The Magoo Syndrome
  • People & Places
    • Honoring Herbie Marks—maker of Australia’s first kinnors by Patricia W Rovik
  • The Italian Luthiers Association Violin and Bow Repairs Price List by Simon Morris Brown
  • Oboe Reed Making Method as used by Ruth Blatt compiled by Eric Adam
  • Bits & Pieces
    • Uses for Spray Pack Adhesives by Maurice Briggs
    • Bridge fitting by Vacuum by Douglas F Foster
    • A new Glue by Frank O’Gallagher

4 December 1992
  • Sponsors to ‘invest’ in aging talent by Ava Hubble [from Sydney Monring Herald]
  • The Enchanted Wood by John McNally
  • Violin Tap Testing—I do it this way by John Wessels
  • Editor’s note on Tap Testing by Rex Thompson
  • Repair Corner
    • Touching up damaged areas of Spirit Varnish by Johannes Wessels
  • Bits & Pieces
    • Violin Neck Trouble by Johannes Wessels

XII 1 March 1993
  • People & Places
    • How I came to make my first Harpsichord by Ken Tyrrell
  • Townsville Cathedral Organ—some notes on my experiences in its renovation by Keith Brown
  • Red Cedar for Violins by WJ Farrell
  • Digitising—Sampling and Musical Instrument Testing by Lawrence Smith
  • For Ancient Greek Music Instruments a New Life by Patricia W Rovik
  • An Elephant in the Backyard by Ian Mackenzie
  • Native Timbers for Musical Instruments by David Burrows
2 June 1993
  • Book review
    • “Old Tools—Identification Guide” by Ken Arnold
  • The Violin, some principal features by JE McLennan
  • For me, ‘tap tone testing’ looked like a non-starter by Chris Twidle
  • Materials & methods
    • Cera Colla by JE McLennan
  • A Holiday Guitar Making Course
  • A review of the Vermont Instrument Workshop by Jim Gorman
  • Bits & Pieces
    • Recycled Glue Pot by Lawrence Smith
    • More on Antique Player Pianos by Keith Brown

3 October 1993
  • Competitions by JE McLennan
  • Australian Customs Tax on Imported Timber by Ken Tyrrell
  • People & Places
    • UWS Nepean names its first Professor of Music
  • The Charter of Cremona 1987—Introduction by Simon Brown
  • Bits & Pieces
    • Old Machines recycled as Tools by Charles Moller
    • More recycling by Taffy Evans

4 December 1993
  • People & Places
    • New Zealand Working with Wood EXPO—Trials and Tribulations of a First Time Exhibitor by Graeme Thatcher
  • Materials & methods
    • Ozone and Violin Making by Simon Brown
    • Source of New Timber by Maurice Briggs
  • Reeds Australia by Eric Adam
  • A UK Timber Supply
  • Bits & Pieces
    • A Simple Tension Tester by Maurice Briggs

XIII 1 March 1994
  • People & Places
    • Cedric George Welstead, Luthier 1913–1992 by Garry Welstead
    • Warrick Tyrrell—Trombone Virtuoso by Ken Tyrrell
  • The use of Native Australian Timbers in Harps, Harpsichords and Pipe Organs Part 1—The Historical Aspects by Hugh Jones
  • Making Lute Moulds by Stephen Barber [Reprinted from “The Lute” 1982]
  • Book reviews
    • “The Ultimate Guitar Book” by Tony Bacon reviewed by Lawrence Smith
    • “Ruckers – a Harpsichord and Virginal Building Tradition” by Grant O’Brien reviewed by Ken Tyrrell

2 June 1994
  • The Powerhouse Museum Music Collection by Belinda Nemec
  • Amplification of Concertinas by Christiaan Dolislager
  • The use of Native Australian Timbers in Harps, Harpsichords and Pipe Organs Part 2—Why use Australian Timbers by Hugh Jones
  • Accordion and Concertina Tuning/Repairs by Christiaan Dolislager
  • The Huon Folk Festival Instrument Maker’s Exhibition by John Akerman
  • The Leprechaun Violin by Johannes Wessels
  • Calculating Fret Spacings using a Fret Factor by Lawrence Smith
  • Book reviews
    • “Steel Pan Tuning – A Handbook for Steel Pan Making and Tuning” by Ulf Kronman reviewed by Charles Moller
    • “Mandolins of the 18th Century” by Stephen Morey reviewed by Maurice Briggs
  • Lutherie among the Eucalypts—a brief review by Rod Day

3 September 1994
  • A Tasmanian Violin Maker’s Experience with Local Timbers by John Akerman
  • Grading of membership in AAMIM by Ray Holliday
  • My first Renaissance Viol—A Learning Experience by Phillip Davies
  • The Extinction of The Brazilwood Tree? by Horst John
  • Handy Hints Corner for Guitar Makers
    • Clamping fretboards to Guitars by Jack Spira
  • The Mpingo Tree—Tanzania. What is its fate? by Editor
  • Internal Repairs on Violins with the aid of a simple device and the use of a magnet by Johannes Wessels
  • Violin Making Competition by John McLennan
  • A Method for drilling the Shaft Hole for a Hurdy Gurdy by Charles Moller
  • The Tosca Alemba—Ringing the Changes by Moya Henderson & Neville Fletcher
  • Book reviews
    • “The Amateur Wind Instrument Maker” by Trevor Robinson reviewed by Christiaan Dolislager
    • “The Hurdy Gurdy—Adjustment and Maintenance” by Philippe Destrem and Volker Heidemann reviewed by Charles Moller

4 December 1994
  • Matching the Principal Body Resonance of a Viola to a Lower Helmholtz Air Frequency by Adding Mass to the Fingerboard by David Lidgett
  • An Outline of a Production Method for Routing Key Slots for a Hurdy Gurdy by Charles Moller
  • New Instruments by AAMIM Members: Viola by Raymond Howes
  • Musical Instrument Making in Canada as compared with Australia [Reprinted from “OPUS—The Making of Musical Instruments in Canada” by Carmelle Begin]
  • Wolf in the Box by John Wessels
  • Tools to Fret Over by Lawrence Smith
  • Highlights from The Powerhouse Museum—Upright Piano by Hugo Wertheim by Belinda Nemec
  • Make your own hinges! by John Wessels

XIV 1 March 1995
  • Ray Holliday—Life Member AAMIM by Ross Whatson
  • Highlights from The Powerhouse Museum—Some Early Australian Bagpipes by Belinda Nemec
  • Violin Restoration by John Wessels
  • Polish Union of Artist Violin Makers
  • My own Sanding Thicknesser!!! by Philip Davies
  • How I Selected Maple Trees for My Violin Making by Chris Twidle
  • Hurdy Gurdy Bearings by Charles Moller
2 June 1995
  • My Interest in Steel Pans by Charles Moller
  • Horst John in The International Bow and Wood Supply Business by Dr Gunther Joppig [from “Das Musikinstrument” Spe 1993]
  • Caring for Musical Instruments by Bronwen Griffin
3 September 1995
  • Workshop Hints
    • Rust Removal by Earle Bartlett
  • Health Problems in Wood Processing by Keith R Bottle [from “Wood in Australia—types, properties and uses”]
  • The Junkshop Violin by John Wessels
  • Mandolin Building Class by Maurice Briggs
  • Repair Corner
    • On Violin Bows by John Wessels
  • Shigemitsu Sugiyama Luthier—Brazil by Gabriel Ochoteco
  • A Supporting Stand for Varnishing a Cello by John Godschall Johnson
  • Book review
    • “Acoustics of Wood” by Voichita Bucur

4 December 1995
  • I think I’ll build a Vihuela by Doug Foster
  • Only a Real Organ Has Pipes by Wolf Kreowski
  • Padded Cases for Musical Instruments by Dale Jacobsen
  • Montagnana’s Sleeping Beauty in 1995 by Ross Whatson
  • Book review
    • “Useful measurements for Violin Makers—A reference for shop use” by Henry A Strobel reviewed by Ross Whatson

XV 1 March 1996
  • Highlights of the Powerhouse Museum: The English Guitar by Michael Lea
  • The Catgut Acoustical Society Inc by JE McLennan
  • The Violins of Mirecourt by Lawrence Paton [from Reader’s Digest Dec 1995]
  • Craftsmanship in Chester by Ken Tyrrell
2 June 1996
  • Viols by Jaye and Norman by Patrice Connelly
  • On glueing Dorrigo Blackwood by Raymond Howes
  • Some violin response curves and what does the Soundpost do by JE McLennan
  • Legal Obligations of Musical Instrument Makers and the ‘Magoo’ Syndrome by Pat Sephton
  • Workshop Hint
    • Screw Grab by Christiaan Dolislager

3 September 1996
  • Pack and Send your Musical Instruments by Ross Whatson
  • About Craftsman Certification by David Brownell
  • Geoffrey Wills, Queensland Branch—elevated to Honorary Life Member
  • Tasmanian Timbers in Stringed Instrument Making—An unscientific record of my experiences by John Akerman
  • Further comments on Bow repair by David Brownell
  • The Right Hank by Trevor Liversidge
  • A Guitar Construction course in Canada by Glenn Wilson
4 December 1996
  • Use of Australian Native Timbers in Mandolins by Peter Coombe
  • Case History: Anatomy of a Hungarian Hurdy Gurdy by Russell D Johnsen
  • Some comments on John McLennan’s article on Soundposts by David Brownell
  • …and in response to David Brownell’s comments by JE McLennan
  • Tool Steel—the modern dilemma for Violin Makers by Ray Doerr with addendum by David Brownell
  • About USA Violin Making Organisations by David Brownell
  • Touch Up Tip! by Jack Spira

XVI 1 March 1997
  • Magazine review
    • “EMI—Experimental Musical Instruments” AUS Publication reviewed by James Cor
  • Heat Treatment of Tool Steel for Instrument Makers by JE McLennan
  • Early Mandolin Research by Maurice Briggs
  • A Few Woody Questions by Jack Spira
  • A Tap Toning and Harmonizing Experiment by Johannes Wessels
2 June 1997
  • Air and Body Modes in the Violin by JE McLennan
  • The Harlequin Violin by John Wessels
  • Bargain Basement Circle Cutter by John Davis
  • Repairing a treasure by John Akerman
  • Some Banjo History by Maurice Briggs
  • The differences in construction of Baroque and Modern Violins and Bows by John Godschall Johnson
3 September 1997
  • John Godschall Johnson, NSW Branch—Elevated to Honorary Life Member
  • Clearly on a Grand Scale [extract from The Sunday Examiner 26 Jul 1997]
  • Picture Gallery by Ken Tyrrell
    • Ron Best
    • Stan Madden
    • Pat Sephton
    • Johannes (John) Wessels
    • Philip Davies
    • Terry Hennessy
  • Repair Corner by Johannes Wessels
4 December 1997
  • John McLennan, Violin Maker & Theoretician by Ken Tyrrell
  • The Violin Octet—The Catgut Acoustical Society
  • The Wolf Note by Hans Alexander
  • Determination of “Brinell” Hardness of Tonewood by JE McLennan
  • An Interesting Intermission—Repairs to a Vina by Johannes Wessels

XVII 1 March 1998
  • Comments on the Violin Octet from Norman Miller, John Wessels, John McLennan & Trevor Livesidge
  • Of Stringed Instruments, and in particular the Violin [from “A Treatise on the Fundamental Principles of Violin Playing” by Leopold Mozart, 1756]
  • A Utility Cello Repair by John Akerman
  • A Chin Rest Problem by John Akerman
  • Scraper Blades from a Brush Cutter by John Davis
  • Workshop corner
    • How did you get that silky finish on your fingerboard? by Johannes Wessels
    • A tip for cleaning brushes by Johannes Wessels
  • Electronic Double Bass by Maurice Briggs
2 June 1998
  • Violin Bending Iron, Using Household Iron by John Davis
  • Removing a Mould Section from a Finished Rib Assembly by John Akerman
  • Fret Levelling on the Cheap by John Davis
  • The Inside Story of Gut Strings by Daniel Larson [from British Violin Making Association]
  • Book review
    • “Tuning, Timbre, Spectrum, Scale” by William A Sethares reviewed by Neville Fletcher [from Acoustics Australia]
  • Workshop hint
    • Worn band saw base slot by John Akerman

3 September 1998
  • Index to JAAMIM volumes I to XVI—Part 1 by Contents
  • Index to JAAMIM volumes I to XVI—Part 2 by Author

4 December 1998
  • Index to JAAMIM volumes I to XVI—Part 3 by Subject

XVIII 1 March 1999
  • Use of Native and Imported Timbers in Mandolins II by Peter Coombe
  • Simple Notes:Some Acoustic Information by Pat Sephton
  • A Method for Dyeing Purfling by Guy Harrison
  • Instrument Makers Clamp by Fred Kingshott
  • A Jig for Fitting a Violin Bass Bar by Rex Thompson
  • Electric Pickups, Their Types and Installation by Maurice Briggs
  • From an address to a Qld Branch Meeting by Gary Albrecht
  • The Vertical Viola by Johannes Wessels
  • It works for me
    • Violin Neck and Scroll—Dealing with the Odd-shaped Neck-block; Sequence of operations by Doug R Eaton

2 June 1999
  • The Aeolian Harp by Robert James
  • An Unexpected Visitor by Johannes Wessels
  • Make your own Thickness Calliper by John Davis
  • Simple Notes: Books & Articles by Pat Sephton
  • Fitting the Violin Fingerboard by David Brownell
3 September 1999
  • Simple Notes: Strings by Pat Sephton
  • Birth and Delivery of an Exhibition (or one way to keep an Association alive) by Douglas Foster
  • Barrel Sander by Fred Kingshott
  • It Works for Me
    • Violin Moulds, Inside or Outside by Douglas R Eaton
  • Outback Timbers by Douglas N Eaton [information provided by the Department of Primary Industries, QLD]
  • My “Apprenticeship” with Beales by Ken Tyrrell
  • The Box Fiddle by Maurice Briggs
4 December 1999
  • Simple Notes: Terminology by Pat Sephton
  • Tuning and Making Steel Pans—some Email correspondence from Alan Coyle by Charles Moller
  • Stuart & Sons Piano—addition to the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney by Ken Tyrrell
  • Custom Violin Peg Replacement by David Brownell

XIX 1 March 2000
  • Simple Notes: Historical Perspective by Pat Sephton
  • Closing the Crack: Bringing edges into alignment by David Brownell
  • In Praise of the Home Grown by Ken Tyrrell
  • On Varnish by John McLennan
2 June 2000
  • Simple Notes: East Gippsland by Pat Sephton
  • If you must bleach: What to do if the de-ionized water did not lift the stain by David Brownell
  • Simon Tedeschi and the Powerhouse Stuart by Ken Tyrrell
  • A Tie Block with a Difference by Doug Foster
  • A Start to Lutherie [Making a Lute] by James North [from Michigan Violin Association Jul 1999]
3 September 2000
  • Australian Viola da Gamba Society Inc. by Patrice Connelly
  • More on the Barrel Sander by Fred Kingshott
  • It Works for Me
    • An outside aluminium mould for violin making by Rex Thompson
  • The Dulcimer and Me by Terry Hennessy
  • Workshop hint
    • Temporary cover plate for a worn bandsaw base by John Akerman
  • A Nasty One made Nice again by Maurice Briggs
  • A Purfling Tool Holder by Fred Kingshott
  • The Soundpost in the Violin by JE McLennan
  • Scrapers by John Akerman

4 December 2000
  • Simple Notes by Pat Sephton
  • Workshop hint
    • A Magnetic Fence by John Akerman
  • The Theory of Vibrating Strings by Robert James [precis of an article in The Dulcimer Players News by Sam Rizetta]
  • A Tale of Two Organs by Ken Tyrrell
  • Removing Stains in Instrument Wood—Modern Non-destructive Methods of Conservation by David Brownell

XX 1 March 2001
  • Simple notes: Acoustics by Pat Sephton
  • A Thought—then Reality! by John Wessels
  • A Rough Guide to Music Museums on the World Wide Web by Michael Lea
  • The making of High Speed Steel Blades by John Davis
  • My “New” Squeezeboxes by Doug Foster
  • The Soundpost in the Violin—Part 1 The effect of soundpost stiffness on peak resonance and sound output by JE McLennan
2 June 2001
  • Take a Tube by John Akerman
  • A Side Bender with a Difference by Mal Ohlsen
  • Maintaining your Guitar Collection by Ian Nash
  • The Soundpost in the Violin—Part 2 The effect of soundpost stiffness on peak resonance and sound output by JE McLennan
3 September 2001
  • It still works for me
    • A Purfling tool using a Dremel and an old sewing machine by Rex P Thompson
  • Honing chisels and blades by Maurice Briggs
  • Workshop hints
    • My favourite, most indispensable tools by Robert James
    • A Nut Slotting File Substitute by John Davis
  • A portable Spray Booth by Lawrence Smith
  • S.S or S. by Maurice Briggs
  • Making an Irish Low Headed Harp by Peter Kilroy
4 December 2001
  • A Workshop Problem: Routing for purfling on a Hurdy Gurdy by Fred Kingshott
  • The Music Market in China
  • What is Italian Tone? by LT Lloyd [reprinted from JAAMIM volVI no1]
  • Italian Tone by John Godschall Johnson [reprinted from JAAMIM volVI no2]

XXI 1 March 2002
  • Myrtle—a useful Tonewood by Peter Coombe
  • What price a violin by John Akerman
  • The Bridge by Maurice Briggs
  • That really special piece of wood by Rex Thompson
  • Workshop hint
    • Bench hook by John Akerman
  • Repair corner
    • Violin repair by Johannes Wessels

2 June 2002
  • Repairing a Llanos Harp (Arpa Llaniera) by Robert Hart
  • Bill Bright Harpsichord—Addition to the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney by Ken Tyrrell
  • Book review
    • “Violin-making, A Practical Guide” by Juliet Barker reviewed by David Brownell
  • A ‘First’ Neapolitan Mandolin by Kevin Hocking
  • Tuning Planes for the Violin Workbench by David Brownell [from Michigan Violin Association]
3 September 2002
  • Stains and Varnish by John Akerman
  • Ron and the ‘225’ by Ken Tyrrell
  • The Cricket Bat Harp by Andy Rigby
  • Zither making [from “ Violins and other stringed instruments, how to make them” 1906]
  • Book review
    • “The Guitar & Rock Equipment” by Nick Freeth

4 December 2002
  • Making my first Gamba by John Akerman
  • Faces at an Exhibition by Ken Tyrrell
  • Shenanigans with Fiddle Values by John Akerman
  • Edge bindings by Maurice Briggs
  • Repair corner
    • Violin repair by Johannes Wessels
  • Book review
    • “A History of the American Guitar [from 1833 to the present day]” by Tony Bacon

XXII 1 March 2003
  • Obituary—Doug Foster by Doug R Eaton
  • So you want to build a guitar by Doug Foster
  • Banjo making [from “Violins and other Stringed Instruments, how to make them” 1906]
  • Book review
    • “Piano Roles, three hundred years with the piano” by James Parakilas and others
  • Workshop hints
    • How to stop pieces moving when clamping and gluing by Doug Foster
    • A simple steam generator—a safe way of producing steam by John Akerman
    • Malaysian Planes by John Davis
  • A possible Geometric model for a Hurdy Gurdy by Varquain (1761) by Charles Moller
2 June 2003
  • Passing of John Godschall Johnson
  • Optical Resolution of the Geometry of the Lute in Holbein’s 1533 painting “The Ambassadors” by Peter Rae
  • The Hollow Back Steel String Guitar by Reg Cooke
  • How I came to make my first (electric) violin by David Guscott
3 September 2003
  • The function of F-Holes in the Violin by JE McLennan
  • New Acquistions at the Powerhouse Museum by Michael Lea
  • Woodn’t It by Robert James
  • Making a Medieval Fiddle by Kevin Hocking
  • An enigmatic mystery by Ken Tyrrell
  • Making your own harp at my workshop by Geoff Welham
  • Cross Brace Radius Gauge by Maurice Briggs
  • Youth in the Sunshine State by Maurice Briggs
  • Another Expedient Cello Repair by John Akerman
  • Book reviews
    • “Orchestral and Keyboard Instruments” by Howard Pollard
    • “Musical Instrument Design” by Bart Hopkin

4 December 2003
  • Experiences with Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) by Peter Coombe
  • A New Mandolin Bridge by Peter Coombe
  • A Message to the Newcomers by Pat Lowe
  • Sound Post Woes by John Akerman
  • Book review
    • “The Mandolin Manual—The Art, Craft and Science of the Mandolin and Mandola” by John Troughton

XXIII 1 April 2004
  • A Thickness Gauge for Backs and Bellies by Chris Twidle
  • My Blonde Violin (or an Experiment with Silver Ash) by Reg Cooke
  • The Evan Williams Collection of Timbers by Ken Tyrrell
  • More on Soundposts by Reg Cooke
  • Love my Dentist by Reg Cooke
  • A Question without Notice by Reg Cooke
  • Testing the Bass Bar by Elon S Howe [from Michigan Violin Association]
  • Book review
    • “The Complete Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments—A Comprehensive Guide to Musical Instruments From Around the World” by Bert Oling and Heinz Wallisch

2 June 2004
  • The Australian Association of Musical Instruments Makers Inc.—A General History by Ken Tyrrell
  • Fitting the Bass Bar by Gary DiCarlo [from Michigan Violin Association]
  • An African Sansa by Reg Cooke
  • Book review
    • “Red Gold—The Tree that Built a Nation” by John Vader reviewed by Ken Tyrrell

3 October 2004
  • Douglas Raymond Eaton—Harp Maker by Robert James
  • Mandolin Bridge Research by Maurice Briggs
  • Anne Logan—Instrument Repairer by Robert James
  • Member Profiles in the Headlines
  • Bending Timber by Terry Hennessey
4 December 2004
  • A Look at some methods of “Compensation” for Fretted Instruments by Kevin Hocking
  • A day in the country by John Akerman
  • Music Instrument Cases: How much protection do they really give by Peter Coombe
  • The Bells of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney
  • Workshop Hint
    • Bridge Cutting by John Akerman

XXIV 1 March 2005
  • Free Plate tuning of Mandolins by Peter Coombe
  • Norman Miller—Violin Maker by Ken Tyrrell
  • Preamble to Making my First Guitar by Ken Hall
  • Moisture Breathing Properties of Wood: Let’s Get it Right by Rex Thompson
  • Guitar bridge remodelling by Reg Cooke
  • Workshop hints
    • Rapid Soundpost Production by John Akerman
    • Dealing with a Distorted Fingerboard by John Akerman
    • Innovation is the Way to Go by John Akerman
  • Book review
    • “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Music” edited by Paul Du Nover reviewed by Ken Tyrrell

2 June 2005
  • Bunya Pine as Soundwood by Reg Cooke
  • Doug N Eaton by Dale Lorna Jacobsen
  • Recorder making by David Tredenick [Part 1]
  • A simple double bass clamp by John Akerman
  • Book review
    • “The Encyclopedia of Wood—A tree by tree guide to the world’s most versatile resource” reviewed by Ken Tyrrell

3 September 2005
  • Recorder Making by David Tredenick [Part 2]
  • Brushes and stuff—a short account of some of the coating gear on my shelves and how it is used by John Akerman
  • Violin fingerboard problems by Reg Cooke
  • A dust free drying cabinet by Mal Ohlsen
4 December 2005
  • Public & Products Liability Insurance & Voluntary Workers Insurance
  • New Adventures—Xylophone by Ross Marsh
  • On Interpretation by Ken Tyrrell
  • Making my first guitar by Ken Hall
  • Book launch
    • “Violin Making in Scotland 1750—1950” by David Rattray
  • Book reviews
    • “Totally Guitar—The Definitive Guide” by Tony Bacon and Dave Hunter reviewed by Ken Tyrrell
    • “Martin Guitar Masterpiecesby Dick Boak reviewed by Ken Tyrrell

XXV 1 March 2006
  • Book review
    • “The Wood Handbook—an Illustrated Guide to 100 Decorative Woods and their Uses” by Nick Gibbs reviewed by Ken Tyrrell
  • A Violin Peg Hole Reamer by Reg Cooke
  • A Purfling Cutter for my First Violin by Mal Ohlsen
  • Recycled Guitar-Hurdy Gurdy by Graeme McCormack
  • Casting of Violin Parts Using Silicone Rubber by Alan Coggins
  • Do What You Can by John Akerman
2 July 2006
  • Setting up new instruments by John Akerman
  • Ten Years of Harps by Geoff Welham
  • A Day with the Local Woodcrafters by Reg Cooke
  • Apprenticeship in Classical Cremona by David Ross McNair [from Michigan Violin Association]
  • Regarding Exhibitions by Maurice Briggs
  • Take Great Care with my Indian’s Head by Geoff Welham
  • Workshop hint
    • Removing a spike from within a small cello by John Akerman

3 October 2006
  • Book review
    • “The making of a Grand Piano” by James Barron reviewed by Ken Tyrrell
  • Ankh: The Art of Sound in Ancient Egypt by Michael Atherton
  • Restoration of a violin Part 1: The Prelude by Ilia Grawert
  • Australian Luthiers: Tradition in Transition by Michael Atherton, Kirsty Beilharz and Raymond Holliday
4 December 2006
  • Another School Cello Repair by John Akerman
  • An Interesting Diversion by Reg Cooke
  • The Box Fiddle or Violin by Maurice Briggs
  • Restoring a Violin by Ilja Grawert [Part 2]

XXVI 1 March 2007
  • Wizards of Oz by Alan Coggins
  • Violin Tone and the Audience by Kevin Hocking
  • Typical Mandolin Repair by Maurice Briggs
  • Did Originality Die with Amati and Stradivari?—A New Approach to Violin Making by Barry Guest
  • Reconciling Structural and Acoustic Design in Violin Making by Graham Caldersmith
2 July 2007
  • A Little Mandolin History by Maurice Briggs
  • Arching and Voicing in Violin Plates by Graham Caldersmith
  • Researching Australian Violin and Bow Makers by Alan Coggins
  • AAMIM at the Wood Show Brisbane by Reg Cooke
  • More About Fiddle Hype by John Akerman
  • A Violin Repair by Reg Cooke
  • A new Workshop by Maurice Briggs

3 September 2007
  • Bli Bli Medieval Fair by Maurice Briggs
  • Ockham’s Razor – the sound of a $10,000,000 violin
  • Picture Gallery
  • Please be careful where you put it by Maurice Briggs
  • Gluing Two piece Tops and Backs by Maurice Briggs
  • Ramblings by Ken Tyrrell
  • Book reviews
    • “The Harpsichord and Clavichord: An encyclopedia” reviewed by Carey Beebe
    • “The Violin: Its History and Making” reviewed by David Brownell

XXVII 1 January 2008
  • The Cygnet Folk Festival, January 2008 by John Akerman
  • Ipswich Activity Group by Reg Cooke
  • Spoon Plane by Maurice Briggs
  • The “Right” Wood by Reg Cooke
  • Innovation by John Akerman
  • An Australian Soundboard by Carey Beebe
  • Tips on Using a Warner Safety Planer by Maurice Briggs
  2 June 2008
  • First Steps in Bow Making by Chris Twidle
  • DIY Glue Clamps by Reg Cooke
  • Another Pragmatic Repair by John Akerman
  • Mihn Tam Nguyen and the Dan Tre by Pat Sephton
  • Individuality Violin by Reg Cooke

  3 November 2008
  • Internet Resources for Instrument Makers by Peter Cooke
  • A Nasty One Made Nice Again by Maurice Briggs
  • It Works for Me by Douglas R Eaton
  • Tasmanian Timbers in Stringed Instrument Building by John Akerman
  • On Glueing Dorrigo Blackwood by Raymond Howes
  • Caring for Musical Instruments by Bronwen Griffen
  • An Outline of a Production Method for Routing Key Slots for a Hurdy Gurdy by Charles Moller
  • Calculating Fret Spacings Using a Fret Factor by Lawrence Smith

  4 December 2008
  • Building a House Organ by Revd Dr John de Luca
  • To Build a Nyckelharpa by Lennart Lovdin
  • The Aussie Bow by Chris Twidle

XXVIII 1 March 2009
  • Use of Australian Native and Imported Timbers in Mandolins by Peter Coombe
  • The joy of hearing the very first note by Dr Colin Hadfield
  • Vale Pat Sephton
  • Fiddle fact by John Akerman
  • ‘String State’ by John Akerman
  • Ever Had To by John Slight
  • A Few Ideas by Maurice Briggs
  • Another Pragmatic Repair by John Akerman
  • More on Minh Nguyen and the Dan Tre

  2 July 2009
  • Steel String Acoustic Guitar by Richard Scriven
  • Mandola by Doug Eaton
  • Timber and Working With Wood Show
  • Kantele by Bill Lakin
  • Electric Cello by Mike Tracy
  • Mini Drum Sander
  • Brain Strain
  • Fiddle Fretter by Bill Hook
  • Show and Tell night with Mal Ohlsen
  • Stress Relief
  • Maleny Wood Expo
  • Q&A

  3 September 2009
  • Native American Flute by Tony Richards
  • Mandolin Comparisons by Peter Coombe
  • Hands-On Expo
  • Bamboo Bows by John Akerman
  • Brain Strain
  • Timber & Working With Wood Show
  • Double Neck Lap Steel by Barry Campbell
  • A Very Special Request by Maurice Briggs
  • Glue Remover by John Slight
  • It Happens by Reg Cooke
  • Book review
    • “Australian Made… Australian Played… — Handcrafted musical instruments from didjeridu to synthesiser” by Michael Atheron reviewed by Bill Hook
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A

  4 December 2009
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • President’s Report by Maurice Briggs
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • Mandolin Comparisons Pt 2 by Peter Coombe
  • Repairing Damages by Robert Lowes
  • Workshop Tips by Doug Eaton
  • My Workshop by Ken Hall
  • Archtop Guitar by Reg Cooke
  • Brain Strain
  • Hands On Expo
  • Handy Tip
  • Stress Relief
  • Replacing Frets by John Slight
  • Show and Tell Night by Richard Scriven
  • Workshop Hint by John Akerman
  • Q&A
  • Dates To Remember
  • Author’s List

XXIX 1 March 2010
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • Classical Guitar by Luis Oliveira
  • Two Tricky Repairs by Bill Hook
  • Mandolin Comparisons by Peter Coombe
  • Harpsichord Guides by Peter Howorth
  • Dates to remember
  • Brain Strain
  • PhD Honour—John McLennan
  • Book reviews
    • “Violin and Bow Making in Australia” by Alan Coggins reviewed by Ken Tyrrell
    • “CODA to the Setup and Repair of the Double Bass” by Chuck Traeger reviewed by David Brownell
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List

  2 June 2010
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • Treasurer’s report by Richard Scriven
  • Viola da Gamba by Chris Twidle
  • A Charitable Cause by Robert Lowes
  • Workshop Hint by John Akerman
  • Re-Modelling a Bow by Maurice Briggs
  • Maleny Wood Show by Bill Hook
  • Brain Strain
  • Tasmanian Blackwood by Gordon Bradbury
  • Timber and Working With Wood Show
  • Stress Relief
  • DIY Woodworking Show Tasmania
  • Q&A
  • Dates to remember
  • Author’s List

  3 September 2010
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From The Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • Bob Walker Tribute
  • Wooden Saxophones by Tony Evans
  • Acoustic Bass Guitar by Doug Eaton
  • Workshop Hint by John Akerman
  • Mandola by Richard Scriven
  • Brain Strain
  • Dates to remember
  • Lyre Harps by Barry Campbell
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s Litt

  4 December 2010
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From The Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • AAMIM Ipswich group
    • Reg Cooke
    • Barry Dobson
    • Ray Mole
    • Robert Brant
    • Robert Lowes
  • Brain Strain
  • Dates to remember
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List

XXX 1 March 2011
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • AAMIM Ipswich group
    • Ray Mole
    • Boystown Presentation
    • Reg Cooke
    • Robert Lowes
  • Handy Hint
  • Brain Strain
  • Redcliffe Woodies
  • Stress Relief
  • Dates to remember
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List

  2 June 2011
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • President’s Report by Doug Eaton
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • Treasurer’s report by Richard Scriven
  • Before and After by Bill Hook
  • Violophone by Bill Hook 
  • Vale — Vince Bierman
  • Dates to remember
  • Tasmanian Oak in Mandolins by Peter Coombe
  • Brain Strain
  • Nyckelharpa by Lennart Lovdin
  • Archtop guitar by Trevor Rennie
  • Maleny Wood Show
  • Timber and Working with Wood Show
  • Stress Relief 
  • Q&A
  • Author’s list 

  3 September 2011
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From The Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • New Honorary Member
  • Para-Celtic Harps by Peter Schalcher
  • Polo Shirts
  • Dates to remember
  • Bass Ukulele by Jim Key
  • Brain Strain
  • A Tale of Two Trebles by Chris Twidle
  • Stress Relief
  • Redcliffe Show by Bill Hook
  • Q&A
  • Author’s list  

  4 December 2011
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • Vale—Kevin Hocking & Trevor Martyn
  • Archtop Guitar by Mal Ohlsen
  • Dates to remember
  • Brain Strain
  • Tasmanian Oak in solid body guitars and basses by Dave Larkin
  • The First Decade of the Electric Bass (1951–61) by Dave Larkin
  • Senior’s Moments
  • AGM Details
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s list

XXXI 1 March 2012
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • New Honorary Member, Doug Eaton
  • All Australian Viola by Reg Cooke
  • From the Workshop by Ray Mole
  • Response to e-mailing by Bill Hook
  • Dates to remember
  • Brain Strain
  • Rib Bending Gone Wrong by Mike Lee
  • Keys Galore by Lennart Lovdin
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List 

  2 June 2012
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • President’s report by Doug Eaton
  • Financial Report by Richard Scriven
  • Weissenborn Slide Guitar by Rob Lowes
  • From the Workshop by Doug Eaton
  • Brain Strain
  • Dates to remember
  • Prima Balalaika by Reg Cooke
  • Maleny Wood Expo
  • Redcliffe Show
  • Brookfield Show
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List

XXXII 1 March 2013
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • 12 string Rickenbacher copy by Ray Mole
  • Dates to remember
  • Restoring a chord Zither by Doug Eaton
  • Lutherie in Afghanistan
  • From the Workshop by Bill Hook
  •  Brain Strain
  • Mandola by Sam Picciau
  • “Shorty” Bass by Dave Larkin
  • “Top Step” Bass by Dave Larkin
  • My latest Violin by Barry Dobson
  • Ipswich Library Display by Reg Cooke
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List

  2 June 2013
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • President/Secretary Combined Report
  • Maleny Wood Show
  • Banjolin by Maurice Briggs
  • Dates to Remember
  • Violin Reformed by Reg Cooke
  • One Man’s Band by Doug Eaton
  • Brain Strain
  • Fender Strat Copy by Peter Gavegan
  • From the Workshop by Mal Ohlsen
  • A Tale of Two Bridges by Bill Hook
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List

  3 September 2013
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From the Secretary by Chris Twidle
  • Gibson 335 Copy by Mike Lee
  • From the Workshop by Rob Lowes
  • Brain Strain
  • Dates to Remember
  • Çiftelia by Greg Antonieff
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List

XXXIII 1 March 2014
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Chris Twidle
  • Vintage Mandolin by Peter Coombe
  • From the Workshop by Mal Ohlsen
  • Brain Strain
  • Archtop Guitar by Phil Gibson
  • AGM Results
  • Dates to Remember
  • Helpful Hint by Mal Ohlsen
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s Details

  2 June 2014
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • OZ Guitar by Ray Mole
  • Vale – Barry Sullivan
  • Hand made purfling by Reg Cooke
  • Mandolin Restoration by Doug Eaton
  • From the Workshop by John Slight
  • Brain Strain
  • For a Good Cause by Ray Mole
  • Dates to Remember
  • Mandolindola by Maurice Briggs
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s Details

  3 September 2014
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Tuscany Guitar Course by Richard Scriven
  • Dates to Remember
  • From the Workshop by John Slight
  • Vale — Mal Williscroft
  • So, what is it??? by Maurice Briggs
  • Brain Strain
  • Soul Guitar by Ross Wohling
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List
  4 December 2014
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Wandervogellaute by Robin Connaughton
  • Dates to Remember
  • From the Workshop by Maurice Briggs
  • Matt Edwards Guitar by Remi Garcia
  • Brain Strain
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List

XXXIV 1 March 2015
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Celtic Harp by Mal Ohlsen
  • Brisbane Baroque by Carey Beebe
  • Restoring the Wandervogellaute by Robin Connaughton
  • Dates to Remember
  • Brain Strain
  • From the Workshop by Mike Lee
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • AGM Results
  • Author’s List
  2 June 2015
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Outgoing Secretary’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Incoming Secretary’s Report by Dianna Benecke
  • President’s Report by Maurice Briggs
  • Dates to Remember
  • Fender Jaguar copy by Mike Lee
  • Violin f Hiles by Mike Lee
  • Brain Strain
  • From the Workshop by Mike Lee
  • Maleny Wood Show
  • Harlequin Guitar by Mal Ohlsen
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • Author’s List
  3 September 2015
  • Letter from the Editor by Remi Garcia
  • Letter from the Secretary by Remi Garcia
  • 2015 Native jumbo acoustic by Remi Garcia
  • Upcoming events: Queensland wood workers assembly by Remi Garcia
  • Announcement: Lyons Violin shop, Wellington New Zealand
  • Urban Lutherie in Australia by David Ireland
  • Brain Strain solution
  • Magda Community Artz by Marion Goward
  • From the Bench: Reg's Soprano Ukulele
  • Hind Sight by Remi Garcia
  • Dates to Remember
  • Q&A
  • Market Place
  • Author’s List
  4 December 2015
  • Letter from the Editor by Remi Garcia
  • Special focus: Andrew Armstrong School of Guitar making by Remi Garcia in collaboration with Andrew Armstrong
  • 150-year-old mandolin sings again by Dale Jacobsen
  • Moogerah Magic by Reg Cooke
  • International Union of Forest Research Organisations by Carol Neal
  • Journal Cover story by Remi Garcia
  • Q&A, Modal vibration by Remi Garcia
  • Dates to Remember
  • Author’s List

XXXV 1 March 2016
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Past President’s Report by Maurice Briggs
  • President’s Report by Mike Lee
  • Incoming Treasurer by Peter Gavegan
  • Dreadnought Cutaway by Peter Gavegan
  • Dates to Remember
  • From the Workshop by Reg Cooke
  • Cracked Tuners by Bill Hook
  • Stress Relief
  • Q&A
  • AGM Results
  • Author’s List
  2 June 2016
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mike Lee
  • Acoustic Guitar by Graham Long
  • External Thickness Gauge by Rob Connaughton
  • Thinking outside the box by Dr Colin Hadfield
  • Timber and Working with Wood Show
  • Dates to Remember
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List
  3 September 2016
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mike Lee
  • Moogerah Ukes 2016 by Reg Cooke
  • Parlour Guitar by Peter Gavegan
  • Seminar by Graham Caldersmith
  • Hussey’s Banjo by Dale Jacobson
  • Birth of an Archtop by Ray Mole
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List
  4 December 2016
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mike Lee
  • President’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Moogerah Ukes 2016 by Reg Cooke
  • Strings and vibrations by Maurice Briggs
  • Neapolitan Mandolin by Maurice Briggs
  • Sentimental Repair by Mal Ohlsen
  • Vale—Dusty by Marion Goward
  • Trevor Gore Guitar Course by Mike Lee
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List

XXXVI 1 March 2017
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mike Lee
  • President’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Dates to Remember
  • Wappengitarre by Mal Ohlsen
  • Workshop tip by Mal Ohlsen
  • Body touch-up by Bill Hook
  • Handy Tools by Bill Hook
  • Response to emailing
  • AGM Results
  • Guitar Pickups Introduction by Mike Lee
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List
  2 June 2017
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mike Lee
  • President’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Dates to Remember
  • Paris Musical Museum by Bob Lowes
  • Maleny Wood Show
  • Uketar by Reg Cooke
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List
  3 September 2017
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • President’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Not Another Guitar Story by Mal Ohlsen/Peter Gavegan
  • Superglue Tip by Mal Ohlsen
  • Dates to Remember
  • J5 Bluegrass Mandolin by John Slight
  • Performing Cello Surgery by Bill Hook
  • Sound Builder’s Expo by Dale Jacobsen
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List
  4 December 2017
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Charles Fox Copy by Mal Ohlsen
  • Dates to Remember
  • O Model Replica by John & Rod Slight
  • Repairing a Maggini Violin by Colin Hadfield
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List

XXXVII 1 March 2018
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Secretary’s Report by Mike Lee
  • President’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • Acoustic Bass Guitar by Reg Cooke
  • Violin by Reg Cooke
  • Lyre Beganna by Mal Ohlsen
  • Dates to Remember
  • Vale John Slight
  • Didgeridoo for sale by Mal Ohlsen
  • My First Banjo by Brian Horwell
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List

  2 June 2018
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • From the Secretary by Mike Lee
  • Sound Builders Expo by Doug Eaton
  • Workshop Tip by Doug Eaton
  • Modern Varnish Finish by Peter Coombe
  • Cordoba by Greg Antonieff
  • Maleny Wood Expo
  • Vale Jim Williams
  • Vale John Slight
  • Dates to Remember
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List

  3 September 2018
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • Kantele by Reg Cooke
  • Black Heart Sassafras by Peter Coombe
  • Dates to Remember
  • Ukulele Bridges by Bob Lowes
  • Air Busker by Bob Lowes
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List

  4 December 2018
  • Editor’s Column by Bill Hook
  • President’s Report by Mal Ohlsen
  • From the Secretary by Mike Lee
  • Chronological Listing of Journal Contents
  • Q&A
  • Stress Relief
  • Author’s List

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