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DECORATION V: Another Australian soundboard painting

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Another Australian soundboard…

The acclaim of Diana Ford’s first soundboard decoration using Australian flowers and fruits rendered in the style of early Ioannes Ruckers excited us—and gave the impetus for similar on a subsequent new instrument commission for the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, Singapore. There were a few flower substitutions made and the plain Willie wagtail of the previous board made way for the more colorful Scarlet robin, poised about to devour an insect. Diana completed the soundboard decoration for this instrument in January 2010.



Australian Soundboard 104K jpeg Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture. Close-up picture.
1 Wahlenbergia gracilis Australian bluebell
2 Burchardia umbellata Milkmaids
3 Billardiera heterophylla Bluebell creeper
4 Anigozanthos manglesii Red and green kangaroo paw
5 Thelymitra venosa Veined sun orchid
6 Gymnostachys anceps Settler’s flax
7 Patersonia glabrata Leafy purple-flag
8 Olearia tomentosa Toothed daisy bush
9 Dillwynia ericifolia Parrot pea
10 Callistemon salignus Willow bottlebrush
11 Blandfordia grandiflora Large Christmas bells
12 Crinum flaccidum Darling lily
13 Petroica multicolor Scarlet robin
14 Eugenia cyanocarpa Blue lilly pilly
15 Acacia longifolia Sydney golden wattle
16 Actinotus helianthi Flannel flower
17 Grevillea alpina Mountain grevillea
18 Acacia bulgaensis Bulga wattle
19 Ceratopetalum gummiferum New South Wales Christmas bush
20 Hakea gibbosa [no common name]
21 Corymbia calophylla Gum (blossom)
22 Swainsona formosa Sturt’s desert pea
23 Ptilotus exaltatus Pink mulla mulla
24 Acacia implexa Hickory wattle
25 Corymbia calophylla Gum
26 Clematis aristata Old man’s beard
27 Callistemon linearis Narrow-leafed bottlebrush
28 Syzygium leuhmannii Small-leafed lilly pilly
29 Podolepis acuminata Showy podelepis
30 Cissus baudinianthus Wild grape
31 Corymbia calophylla Gum (nuts)
32 Telopea speciosissima New South Wales waratah


Movie thumb 3K jpeg Movie 1K gif An Australian soundboard
The second harpsichord soundboard painting by Diana Ford using Australian native flowers and fruits in the style of early Ioannes Ruckers c1620.
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Many thanks to Dr Nicholas Lander, Principal Research Scientist at the Western Australian Herbarium, for suggesting corrections to the botanical nomenclature.
Nicholas is also a keen musician, and has been running the Recorder Home Page for many years.

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